Weekly Reading Round-Up : 07/07/2019 – 07/13/2019

Ryan C.'s Four Color Apocalypse

Another week, another mess of first issues — even if one of ’em is from last week. What can I say? My LCS got shorted on the title in question and so I didn’t get a copy until this past Wednesday. But we’ll get to that in due course. First we’ve got —

Second Coming #1, by Mark Russell and Richard Pace, was originally slated to be a Vertigo title until the suits at DC got cold feet, and I’d say it’s all worked out pretty well for the creators in question given that Vertigo is being shuttered and its “new” publisher, Ahoy Comics, appears to be on something of an upward trajectory. The premise here is that bored Jesus gets sent back to Earth by an even-more-bored God and takes up residence with a painfully obvious Superman analogue for reasons that I guess will become more clear in the…

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One response to “Weekly Reading Round-Up : 07/07/2019 – 07/13/2019

  1. Pingback: Lisa’s Week In Review: 7/8/19 — 7/14/19 | Through the Shattered Lens

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