All Star Exploitation: MACHETE MAIDENS UNLEASHED (Australian 2010)

cracked rear viewer

Tonight we celebrate baseball with MLB’s 90th annual All-Star Game, and… what’s that you say, Dear Readers? You don’t LIKE baseball?!? (*sighs, shakes head, mutters “must be some kinda Commies”*) Luckily for you, I’ve got an alternative for your viewing pleasure this evening. It’s an All-Star salute to the halcyon days of low-budget Exploitation filmmaking in the Philippines that lasted roughly from 1959 (Gerry DeLeon’s TERROR IS A MAN, with Francis Lederer and Greta Thyssen) to the early 80’s and the advent both of VHS, which effectively ended the Drive-In/Grindhouse Era, and political upheaval caused in part by Fernando Marcos’s imposition of martial law on the island nation.

1971’s “Beast of the Yellow Night”

This Australian-made documentary by writer/director Mark Hartley covers the wild, wild world of making Exploitation movies in the jungle on a shoestring budget through judicious use of clips, trailers, and interviews with the people who made…

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Music Video Of The Day: We Are All Made of Stars by Moby (2002, by Joseph Kahn)

Today’s music video of the day is dedicated to Marianne Williamson.  I don’t endorse political candidates.  I learned my lesson from all the angry messages that I got after I said I was planning on voting for Gary Johnson in 2016.  My outlook is more libertarian than liberal but who knows?  Marianne might get my primary vote.

Before anyone says anything, I know that Moby is now officially on the creepy list but I still like his music, especially from the 18 and Play eras.  So, you know, why not?
