Thanksgiving Greetings From The Shattered Lens!

From all of us at the Shattered Lens to everyone who will be observing and celebrating the holiday today, Happy Thanksgiving!

When the citizens of Jamestown, Virginia celebrated their first Thanksgiving in 1610, they had no way of knowing what the future would hold for not only America but also the rest of the world.  In fact, they had no way of knowing that we would someday have movies, music, television, social media, Netflix, dark web paranoia, and hungry kitten videos on YouTube.  If you had told them that the United States would someday have a literacy rate of 77%, they would have laughed at you.  If you had told them that, at some point in the future, a black cat would send holiday greetings to humans, they probably would have accused you of practicing witchcraft.  Silly pilgrims!

But today is Thanksgiving.  It’s not only a time for giving thanks but also a time for appreciating not only what you love but also what loves you.  Be kind to your family, your friends, your cats, and even your dogs.  As for those of us at the Shattered Lens, we are thankful to you for reading and commenting.  The flame-haired one tells me that, in another month, we will be coming up on the 9th anniversary of the founding of this site!  We’re thankful for those 9 years and even more thankful for the years to come!

Thank you for reading and Happy Thanksgiving!

3 responses to “Thanksgiving Greetings From The Shattered Lens!

  1. Pingback: Lisa’s Week In Review: 11/19/18 — 11/25/18 | Through the Shattered Lens

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