Happy Birthday, Bob Dylan!

“All I can do is be me, whoever that is.” — Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan not only revolutionized music but he was also responsible for one of the first music videos.  The video for Subterranean Homesick Blues originally appeared at the start of D.A. Pennebaker’s documentary, Don’t Look Back.  It was filmed in  May 8th, 1965 in the alley behind the Savoy Hotel in London and, as Bob flips those cue cards, keep an eye out for both songwriter Bob Neuwirth and the poet Allen Ginsberg in the background.

Happy birthday to Bob Dylan, who is 74 years old today.

Airport Reading: Your Favorite Band Is Killing Me by Steven Hyden

51y-hABo2ML._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_Today, I have flown from Baltimore to Chicago and, after a three-hour layover at O’Hare, from Chicago to Atlanta.  Now I have to wait two hours until I board a plane to Dallas.  Luckily, I have a good book to read.

Steven Hyden’s Your Favorite Band Is Killing Me takes a look at some famous pop music rivalries and what they may or may not reveal about the meaning of life.  Hyden examines 19 different rivalries, everyone from Oasis vs. Blur to Neil Young vs. Lynard Skynard to the Smashing Pumpkins vs. Pavement, Beatles vs. the Rolling Stones and, naturally, Roger Waters vs. everyone else in Pink Floyd.  And, of course, he also writes about Biggie vs. Tupac because, as he puts it, that’s the only rivalry that he “was required by law to write about in this book.”

The best chapter, in my opinion, is Hyden’s look at the rivalry between Jimi Hendrix’s legacy and Eric Clapton’s continued existence.  He asks a very important question: If Hendrix had lived and was currently living the life of Eric Clapton, would we still consider Jimi to be the greatest guitar God of all time?  A close second to the Hendrix/Clapton chapter is Hyden’s look at the rivalry between Nirvana and Pearl Jam.  Hyden makes a convincing argument that not only did Kurt Cobain never really grow to like Pearl Jam but that Bruce Springsteen really does not like Chris Christie that much either.

Steven Hyden’s an opinionated guy and, reading the book, I have disagreed with him almost as much as I’ve agreed.  But he is also a very good writer and he definitely knows his music.  Your Favorite Band Is Killing Me has made this day of airports and flying bearable.  I highly recommend it!

Artist Profile: Walter Brooks (1922 — 1987)

Born in Glasgow, Walter Brooks came to the U.S. as an infant.  He studied art at the Cooper Union and served in the army during World War II.  After the war ended, he pursued a career as a commercial artist.  Along with painting the covers for several paperback publishers, Brooks also wrote, edited, and illustrated a series of art instruction books.  From 1971 to 1972, he was President of the Society of Illustrators.

Though I couldn’t find much of his work online, I liked what I could find.  Brooks’s covers had an impressionistic style that set them apart from other paperbacks.

1 My Son The MurdererCurtains 1Curtains 2First He DiedGo Down To GloryThe BatThe Girl in 304The Turn of the Screwzz1

Beauty and the Beast Teases an Invitation

Beauty and The Beast

Walt Disney Studios continues to adapt their classic animated films into live-action and the next in line is 1991’s classic film, Beauty and the Beast.

This animated film was an instant classic and the first to be nominated outside of the Best Animated Film category in the Academy Awards. It was nominated for Best Picture and, for some, it truly deserve not just the nomination but should’ve won the Best Picture award that year.

The teaser trailer makes great use of the music written and composed by Alan Menken and Howard Ashman for the film. We get both the prologue and the title track from the 1991 soundtrack in the teaser trailer. For those who saw the original animated film during it’s original first run in 1991 should be taken back to those days when Beauty and the Beast enchanted a global audience.

With a stellar cast led by Emma Watson, Dan Stevens and Luke Evans, this live-action adaptation has a lot to live up to.

Beauty and the Beast is set to invite all as its guests on March 17, 2017.