The Big Friendly Giant Is All Over This Trailer For Steven Spielberg’s The BFG!

Despite getting mixed reviews at Cannes, Steven Spielberg’s The BFG is still one of the most anticipated films of the summer.  I have to admit that, for the longest time, I assumed that the title was an acronym for Big F*cking German but no, apparently BFG stands for Big Friendly Giant.

And the just released second trailer for the film features a good deal of the Big Friendly Giant!  The Big Friendly Giant is played by Mark Rylance.  Mark Rylance is a good actor but I still think Sylvester Stallone should have won that Oscar.

Anyway, here’s the trailer!  I always want to be skeptical of Spielberg because he’s such a mainstream filmmaker and my natural tendency is always to embrace outsiders.  But dammit, The BFG looks like it might, at the very least, be a very enjoyable and very big film.


* It’s family film, hence the asterisk.

4 Shots From 4 Films: An American Hippie in Israel, Ciao! Manhattan, David Holzman’s Diary, Eggshells

4 Shots From 4 Films is just what it says it is, 4 shots from 4 of our favorite films. As opposed to the reviews and recaps that we usually post, 4 Shots From 4 Films is all about letting the visuals do the talking.

Let’s hop in the cinematic time machine and take a trip to the distant past with these 4 shots from 4 independent films!

4 Shots From 4 Films

David Holzman's Diary (1967, dir by Jim McBride)

David Holzman’s Diary (1967, dir by Jim McBride)

Eggshells (1969, dir by Tobe Hooper)

Eggshells (1969, dir by Tobe Hooper)

Scene That I Love: Rougned Odor Punches Jose Bautista

This scene isn’t from a movie but it is one that I love and that I’ve watched a dozen times today.

Here’s what those of us watching the Rangers/Blue Jays game saw yesterday.

I’m usually against violence and I don’t like it when grown men act like children but I’m also a Rangers fan and Jose “Bat Flip” Bautista got what he deserved.  After Bautista’s hard slide into 2nd base, Odor is lucky he didn’t end up with a broken leg and Bautista’s lucky that Adrian Beltre was there to carry him to safety.

Here it is again:

For the record, that game was the last time that the Rangers and Blue Jays are scheduled to play during the regular season.  With a final score of 6-5, the Rangers not only won the game but also swept the series!

Artist Profile: Jules Aarons (1921 — 2008)


Jules Aarons was born in New York City and served during World War II.  After studying physics at Boston University, he won a Fulbright scholarship and earned his Ph.D. at the University of Paris.  As a physicist, Aarons worked as the senior scientist at the Air Force Geophysics Research Lab and was one of the pioneers in the study of radio-wave propagation.   Over the course of his long and distinguished scientific career, Aarons published over a hundred scientific papers.

However, Aarons was not just a scientist.  He was also a photographer who was widely acclaimed for the pictures of Boston street life that he captured in the late 1940s and the 1950s.  Aarons photography was spontaneous, with the subjects often but not always unaware that they were being photographed.  As a street photographer, Aarons focused on capturing the day-to-day life of people of all classes and backgrounds.

A small sampling of his work can be found below: