27 Days of Old School: #14 “The Trooper” (by Iron Maiden)

iron maiden the trooper

“The Bugle sounds and the charge begins”

I didn’t hear #14 the year it came out in 1983. I wasn’t too much into heavy metal at that age (still just 10). Now, once I got into high school and expanded my circle of friends (still not much but did include a couple who were into metal) I was finally introduced to heavy metal.

One of the first songs I really got into was Iron Maiden’s “The Trooper” from their Piece of Mind album. Even from the first time hearing the song I had an idea what the song about. I was already a huge hoarder of all things military history in my teen years and I knew the song was about the Charge of the Light Brigade during the Crimean War.

What I didn’t realize at that time was that the song itself was using a famous poem about said charge. So, in addition to getting me into heavy metal (which waxed and waned in the years since until meeting necromoonyeti online), I ended up learning about Tennyson and his poem about that fateful charge of British Light Cavalry against a well-defended and heavily-armed Russian artillery battery.

Also, seeing the cover for “The Trooper” with Eddie in full light cavalry regalia waving a cavalry saber and a bloodied, tattered Union Jack just hit me right in my wheelhouse.

2 responses to “27 Days of Old School: #14 “The Trooper” (by Iron Maiden)

  1. I don’t play my guitars much anymore, but I can still play the solos in this tune. (Yes, I know that 9-year old Indonesian kids on YouTube can do it, too, but I’m an old bastard, with few remaining pleasures in life, so don’t take this away from me.)


  2. Pingback: 27 Days of Old School: #27 “The Sweetest Days” (by Vanessa Williams) | Through the Shattered Lens

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