Let’s Play Catch Up With The Trailer for Exodus: Gods and Kings

Here’s another trailer that came out while I was busy Embracing the Melodrama.  I’m not really sure how I feel about Exodus: Gods and Kings.  The trailer looks good and epic and all that but what’s the deal with all of the”sword and sandal” films coming out this year?  Not only do we have two Hercules films, Pompeii, and the 300 sequel, we also had Noah and now we’ve got Exodus coming out.  Last year, we saw a spate of end-of-the-world films.  This year, we’re seeing films that are meant take place at the beginning of the world.  Anything to avoid dealing with present, I suppose.

Incidentally, I still say that Ridley Scott’s previous film, The Counselor, was far better than most people realize.

2 responses to “Let’s Play Catch Up With The Trailer for Exodus: Gods and Kings

  1. it’s got the pedigree, for sure, but I admit to being a little sceptical of another film casting white actors in non-white roles.


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