Film Review: Burn! (dir by Gillo Pontecorvo)

Burn!Earlier, I criticized Otto Preminger’s Hurry Sundown for taking a rather timid approach to the politics of race and class.  To see just how politically safe Hurry Sundown was, one need only compare it to 1969’s Burn, an Italian film that is perhaps one of the most politically radical films ever made.

Though the story told in Burn is a fictional one, it will still be familiar to anyone who has studied the history of South America.  Set in the 19th century, Burn takes place on the island of Quiemada, a colony of Portugal that is largely populated with black slaves who are forced to work on sugar plantations.  As the film makes clear, sugar was as economically valuable in the 19th century as oil is today.  So, it really shouldn’t be surprising that, as the film opens, Sir William Walker (Marlon Brando) has been sent to the island on a mission to overthrow the colonial government and replace it with one that will be friendly to British sugar companies.

Walker does this by inspiring the slaves to revolt.  To serve as a figurehead leader for the revolution, he selects a porter named Jose Delores (played by Evaristo Marquez, a nonactor who was both illiterate and working as a herder when he was selected for the role and who made up for his lack of experience and training by bringing a raw authenticity to the role).  Under Walker’s direction, Jose quickly becomes known as a fearsome and great leader.  Along the way, the two of them develop a paternalistic relationship with Jose looking up to Walker and Walker openly taking pride in Jose’s transformation from slave to general.

When the Portuguese eventually leave the island, the British set up a corrupt puppet government.  When Jose argues for more of a role in the new government, Walker explains that none of the former slaves have the education necessary to lead a country.  As Jose quickly realizes, the entire revolution was actually fought to benefit the British.  Walker leaves the island and Jose and the former slaves return to working on the sugar plantations.  They may no longer be slaves but they’re definitely not free.  (Or, as Jose puts it towards the end of the film, one cannot be given freedom.  Instead, freedom has to be grabbed.)

10 years later, Jose is leading another revolution, this time against the British-backed government.  Walker is sent back to the island with a new mission, to track down and defeat Jose.  When Walker first arrives back at the island, he assumes that, despite his earlier betrayal, he and Jose are still friends.  As quickly becomes obvious, Jose doesn’t feel the same way…

Now, I have to admit that I didn’t see Burn under the best of circumstances.  Not only did I see it on TV with regular commercial interruptions for that Risperdal lawsuit but, upon doing some online research, it also became obvious that I had watched a version of the film that was heavily edited prior to its American release.  20 minutes of footage was crudely taken out of Burn before it played in American theaters.  As a result, the version of Burn that I saw had a jagged and rather crude feel to it.  It was obvious that important scenes had been dropped and the end result felt disjointed.

And yet, despite all of this, Burn was still a powerful and memorable film.  I say this despite the fact that rigidly political films (which this one definitely is) usually tend to bore me to tears.  Even in its crudely edited form, Burn was full of powerful scenes that both made a political point and also displayed enough humanity to transcend the limits of ideology.  Consider the scene where, after having just learned that his revolution has accomplished nothing, Jose is hailed as a hero by his fellow revolutionaries.  In a matter of minutes, Jose goes from feeling like a failure to feeling triumphant to again feeling like a failure as he realizes that their freedom is going to be short-lived.  Or how about the scene where William Wallace crudely but effectively explains how the economy works by comparing a housewife to a prostitute?  And finally, there’s the film’s final scene, which is one of the most powerful that I’ve ever seen.

And then there’s Brando.

As played by Marlon Brando, William Walker comes to epitomize both cynicism and self-loathing.  Reportedly, director Gillo Pontecorvo wanted to portray Walker as being a much more obvious villain and Brando fought for a more ambiguous approach to the character.  What’s interesting is that, by hinting that Walker does what he does despite his guilty conscience, Brando makes the character into a much more loathsome monster than he would have been if he had been played as an unrepentant villain.  Brando’s best moments come towards the end of the film, when Walker struggles to understand how Jose could be willing to sacrifice himself for a greater cause.

Whenever we discuss Brando nowadays, its to talk about his eccentricities and his weight.  We talk about the fact that he was known for being difficult and that he eventually reached the point where he openly boasted about no longer caring.  What should be discussed is that, regardless of what he became later in his life, Marlon Brando was a great actor.  A film like Burn reminds us of that fact.


3 responses to “Film Review: Burn! (dir by Gillo Pontecorvo)

  1. I have never seen nor heard of this version of Walker, Burn, with Marlon Brando. I’ll certainly give it a shot after reading your solid review. The Alex Cox version, starring Ed Harris, is as good as it is hard to find.


  2. Pingback: Embracing the Melodrama Part II #33: Reflections in a Golden Eye (dir by John Huston) | Through the Shattered Lens

  3. I have just watched the faithful 2 hrs 9 min. print on YT and made some comments on various important scenes, which I feel might be of interest to readers of thisb reat blog. This is definitly one of the most poerful political movies of all time, a must see for thinking lovers of world cinema.

    35:32 listen carefully to Brandos speech and then answer the question, which he poses at the end …

    Absolutely essential movie, clearer in thought and analysis of the economic system called capitalism as well as in geopolitics and how to organize a coup d’etat with as few “valueable” = British people risking their lifes as possible, than any other movie I have ever seen!

    And THAT is exactly what is going on in the Ukraine, Belarus and planned to take place in Russia, too … but it won’t work … I sincerely do hope! 👍👍👍

    Nawalny and all those are only puppets in a plan to overthrow these Governments in a plan similar to the one you can see here … with the same consequences for the population …

    At 53:44 this “Nawalny” realizes that they have done their part in helping the outside power (here the Brits) to get rid of their former masters (here the Portugese) to put new masters (the Brit) in power, who will dictate their lives in the same, if not worse, manner as their previous masters (the Portugese) did …

    1:12:32 I wish we were informed today as precisely as in this movie, how the powers, which lead and direct us, work together (“deep state” is the precise and correct term) and how money and politics work together in the ultimate goal to maximise their profits, be it to exercise power over the people (politics) and to extract the uttermost possible profit/work/manpower from other peoples work (business), now no longer slaves anymore, but “paid by the hour” exactly for what is needed and when it’s needed … like prostitutes, I am obliged to add for viewers, who might not yet have understood “the way history works” … 🤣

    “No, but I don’t think that you can offer more unless you give up Government …”.

    Solange sich der Staat nicht selbst abzuschaffen bereit ist, kann er eben nicht mehr anbieten, als Gleichheit der Bürger, bessere Sklavenlöhne und eine Amnestie … tja, Pech gehabt, (nunmehr kapitalistischer) Sklave. 😭

    Es spricht für Brandos Intelligenz, dass er diesen Film als den wichtigsten seiner Karriere bezeichnet hat und nicht die pulp-Seifenoper DER PATE …

    At 1:34:20 the “President” is finally able to realize and admit, that not he is running the country, but that his “state” has been overtaken by a multinational company (here the Royal Sugar Company) and that his Government is only allowed to work in the interest of and for this company …

    Sounds familiar, does it? Like our governments are working for multinational companies and not for us … 💩👎🙊🙉🙈

    1:42:48 yes, that’s the difference between being paid by the hour or an agreed amount for reaching the goal. Well, the lower ones status is, the less one is paid and of course always just by the hour … so dear chap, stretch your work as much as you can …

    2:05:17 Why? Because he also understands that he serves his mission more when being dead, because a myth has much more power to inspire others to fight for their freedom than a surviving ex-hero, who has lost is ability to fight.

    Yes, my comments conzain politigal views and opinoons, but that is what this movie is all about …


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