6 Trailers: The Aaron Loves Angela Edition

Hi there and welcome to June!  Let’s get this month started off on a good note with another edition of Lisa Marie’s Favorite Grindhouse and Exploitation Film Trailers!

1) 2019: After The Fall of New York (1985)

Let’s start things out on a happy note with … the end of the entire freakin’ world.  Apparently, this film came at out the same time as a film called 2020: Texas Gladiators.  I guess what that all means is that we’ve got about 7 years until everyone starts dressing like they live in Vermont…

2) Looker (1981)

“I waaaaaaaaaant it…”  Next time somebody asks me a question at work, I’m going to reply with, “I’m the perfect female type…” just to see what type of reaction I get.  (Actually, it better a positive reaction or else I’ll start crying…)

3) Funeral Home (1980)

This is actually a pretty effective trailer.  I think it’s atmospheric and creepy and, if nothing else, you won’t forget the title of the film.

4) Three The Hard Way (1974)

Though the trailer doesn’t mention it, the villain in Three The Hard Way is played by Jay Robinson who, two decades before, played Caligula in The Robe.

5) Savage! (1973)

I like this trailer because it rhymes.  “Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee’s SAAAAAAAVAGE!”

6) Dragons Die Hard (1974)

Since we opened with a short trailer, why not close with an even shorter one?  As I type this, I’m watching an old movie from the 70s called Aaron Loves Angela.  There’s a scene where two characters are walking down 42nd street and they pass a grindhouse theater that has two films listed on the marquee — Three The Hard Way and Dragons Die Hard.  Since I had already included Three The Hard Way in this post, I decided that this is the Grindhouse God’s way of telling me to close with Dragons Die Hard.  Though this trailer is short, be sure to listen to it carefully and, after you’ve watched the whole thing, ask yourself what this film is rated.

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