6 More Horrific Trailers For October

As if October wasn’t already scary enough, my laptop is slowly dying and, with my luck, it probably won’t even return as a zombie.  Fortunately, it still has enough life in it for me to do at least one more edition of Lisa Marie’s Favorite Grindhouse and Exploitation Trailers.

1) The Curse of the Crimson Altar (1968)

This is apparently an old Hammer film.  I haven’t seen it but the image of a blue Barbara Steele seems to show up in just about every other horror movie guide.

2) Fangs of the Living Dead (1969)

If nothing else, this one has a great title.

3) Eye of the Cat (1969)

Three guesses why I love this trailer.

4) Mark of the Devil (1970)

Remove the art from The Witchfinder General and you probably end up with Mark of the Devil.

5) The Chilling (1989)

I actually have this on DVD but I haven’t watched it yet and this trailer doesn’t exactly inspire a whole lot of hope.  That said, I love how the narrator makes such an effort to sound enthusiastic.  Our next trailer will feature “Oscar nominee” Linda Blair as well…

6) Exorcist II: The Heretic (1977)

This is a good example of an accidental grindhouse film.  The producers and the director may have been going for something different but the end results are pretty much evident from the trailer. The best thing about this trailer is Ennio Morricone’s score.  (By the way, I would also suggest that all of you people going all cuckoo over the teaser trailer for David Fincher’s Girl With The Dragon Tattoo compare this relatively entertaining trailer with the actual film it was advertising.)

2 responses to “6 More Horrific Trailers For October

  1. So “The Chilling” isn’t about a horrifying incident in which some folks hung out and relaxed? What a disappointment. If you were an old bastard like me, you might remember Dan Haggerty from “The Life And Times Of Grizzly Adams” TV series, the only thing I had ever associated him with until today.

    That “Exorcist II” music is cool. I’ve not seen that one (nor have I heard good things about it), but I did see III, which is surprisingly good – worth a look if you haven’t already had one, or even if you have.


    • Just from this trailer, Dan Haggerty looks like he could have played a character named Grizzly. : )

      I haven’t seen the Exorcist III though, oddly enough, I watched the first Exorcist last night. The third film is included in the same box set as the first one so I’ll have to give it a look. 🙂


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