Transformers: Dark of the Moon (Super Bowl TV Spot)

I think most everyone will admit that Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen wasn’t very good and to some people it was just one piece of turd. Even Michael Bay himself has admitted that the first sequel just tried to do too much without any sort of plan on how to pull it off.

Now, we have the third film and what looks like, at least from the trailer, may be a tad better. There seems to be more focus on the transformers themselves and the two sides fighting it out with lots of human collateral damage.

I sure hope this third film is not going to be like the second and more like the first but this time with invasion to make it more epic. The film comes out on July 1, 2011.


2 responses to “Transformers: Dark of the Moon (Super Bowl TV Spot)

    • I would usually agree but I grew up on the Transformers and despite how awful the first sequel was I will still watch this with my inner child happy as minion. 😀


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