Adventures in Cleaning Out The DVR: River Raft Nightmare (dir by Fred Olen Ray)

Hi there!  As I write this, I am couch-bound with what I’m pretty sure is a sprained toe.  With that in mind, I’ve decided to continue my efforts to clean out the DVR.  I just finished watching River Raft Nightmare, which premiered on Lifetime on September 5th.  That was Labor Day weekend and, like a lot of people, I was too busy hanging out with my family to watch a movie about a mother and daughter navigating rapids while being menaced by three criminals.


River Raft Nightmare, which was directed by the amazingly prolific (and, by B-movie fans, beloved) Fred Olen Ray, tells the story of Sharon (Brigid Brannagh) and her teenage daughter, Cassie (Leah Bateman).  They are looking forward to spending a nice relaxing weekend trying not to drown while river rafting.  The only things they have to worry about are the possibilities of Cassie going into diabetic shock, a sudden wilderness fire breaking out, and maybe running into three criminals who are searching for some stolen money that has been hidden somewhere in the wilderness.

True, it’s easy to imagine that one of those things could happen.  After all, all vacations have their obstacles.  And maybe you could even see two of those things happening because, sometimes, it’s just a mistake to leave the house.   But who would have guessed that all three of those things would end up happening!?  That’s right — Sharon and Cassie have to deal with fire, diabetic shock, and criminals!

The head criminal is named Frank.  He’s played by Ivan Sergei.  From the minute he showed up, I thought he looked familiar and then, about an hour into the movie, I realized that he previously played the psycho boyfriend in another Lifetime mainstay, Mother, May I Sleep With Danger?  Incidentally, that movie also featured Ivan Sergei nearly drowning in a river.  Maybe Ivan should stay away from the water from now on…

Frank continually assures Sharon and Cassie that he’s not going to kill them and that he just wants to find his money.  However, Cassie has already seen Frank kill a man.  That’s one reason why River Raft Nightmare was originally called Eyewitness,  Personally, I think River Raft Nightmare is a better title.  Eyewitness is a bit generic but River Raft Nightmare — hey, it’s got the word nightmare in it!  You can’t go wrong with that.

River Raft Nightmare is a thoroughly predictable film.  You will not be taken by surprise.  But, with that in mind, it’s enjoyable enough.  One thing that I appreciate about Fred Olen Ray is that he is a director who is almost totally lacking in pretension.  A Fred Olen Ray film doesn’t pretend to be anything that it isn’t.  River Raft Nightmare is a low-budget B-movie and it’s totally content with being a low-budget B-movie and you really have to admire that.  Add to that, I always love movies about moms and daughters bonding while kicking ass and Ivan Sergei was hot even when he was killing people.

(By the way, Fred, if you’re reading this, I’ve got an idea for a film called Red River Nightmare….)

One funny thing about the DVR is that it really does work as a time machine.  When you watch something that you recorded two months ago, it’s like stepping back in the past and sometimes, you’re shocked to discover what you had forgotten about.  In the case of River Raft Nightmare, I was shocked to be reminded that — for a few weeks — Lifetime experimented with having Erin Foley pop up during the commercial breaks and attempt to be snarky.  A typical Erin Foley comment would be something like: “So, they’re being hunted by killers but their makeup and hair are still perfect.”  (To which those of us at home would say, “No shit, haven’t you ever watched one of these movies before?  We all got over that a long time ago…”)  Having been reminded of its existence, all I can say is that I’m glad Lifetime ended that experiment.  No offense to Erin Foley but nothing she said ever came close to topping what the live tweeters were saying on twitter.

Seriously, Lifetime, those of us watching provide more than enough snark without it being necessary for you to bring in a “ringer.”

Sorry, Erin Foley, you were not necessary...

Sorry, Erin Foley, you were not necessary…

4 responses to “Adventures in Cleaning Out The DVR: River Raft Nightmare (dir by Fred Olen Ray)

  1. Pingback: Adventures in Cleaning Out The DVR: Lost Boy (dir by Tara Miele) | Through the Shattered Lens

  2. Pingback: Film Review: The Wrong Roommate (dir by David DeCoteau) | Through the Shattered Lens

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