6 Trailers Designed To Bring Out The Beast In You

St. Larry, patron of werewolves

For today’s special Devil’s Night edition of Lisa Marie’s Favorite Grindhouse Trailers, we pay tribute to the werewolves!

Sadly, werewolves have been kind of overshadowed lately.  Everyone loves the zombies.  Everyone loves the vampires.  Everyone loves the weird little creatures that secretly control the Dark Web.  But, werewolves — those brave lycanthropes — have not been getting the respect that they deserve.

So, to correct that, here are 6 trailers for the wolves!

  1. The Curse of the Werewolf (1961)

Oliver Reed as a werewolf?  Hey, it makes sense.  This classic Hammer film brought new fame to the werewolves of London.

2. The Werewolf of Washington (1973)

The movie has its issues but that is a great title!

3. Werewolf Woman (1976)

This is an Italian film, starring Annik Borel as a woman who thinks that she’s a werewolf.  And, depending on which version of this film that you see, she might be right.

4. An American Werewolf in London (1981)

Meanwhile, back in London, a young American backpacker discovers why American tourists are not universally beloved in Europe.  They have a bad habit of wandering out to the moors on nights when there is a full moon.  This classic film features perhaps the best scene to ever take place in a sleazy porno theater.

5. The Howling (1981)

1981 was a good year for werewolf films.

6. An American Werewolf in Paris (1997)

It’s not a very good film but …. hey!  Look!  Paris!

Have a howlingly good Halloween, everyone!

4 Shots From 4 Werewolf Films: Werewolf of London, The Curse of the Werewolf, Werewolf Woman, The Wolf Man

4 Shots From 4 Films is just what it says it is, 4 shots from 4 of our favorite films. As opposed to the reviews and recaps that we usually post, 4 Shots From 4 Films lets the visuals do the talking.

Today, we pay tribute to a very special breed of monster with….

4 Shots From 4 Werewolf Films

Werewolf of London (1935, dir by Stuart Walker)

The Curse of the Werewolf (1961, dir by Terence Fisher)

Werewolf Woman (1976, dir by Rino Di Silvestro)

The Wolfman (2010, dir by Joe Johnston)

The TSL’s Daily Horror Grindhouse: Werewolf Woman (dir by Rino Di Silvestro)


Since I earlier reviewed The Wolf Man, it only made sense to me that tonight’s entry in daily horror grindhouse should be the 1976 Italian horror film, Werewolf Woman.  I’d had Werewolf Woman on DVD for a while now but I had yet to get around to watching it.  I actually knew next to nothing about it.  The only reason why I bought the DVD was because of the title.

So, last night, I watched the movie and I quickly discovered that, in the best tradition of grindhouse cinema, Werewolf Woman‘s title actually had very little do with the actual film.  The title character may go around ripping out throats with her teeth but it’s not because Daniella Neseri (Annik Borel) is a werewolf.  Instead, it’s just because she’s gone insane.

When Daniella was thirteen years old, she was raped by a family friend.  She has now grown up to be a young woman who fears sex and rarely leaves her family’s decaying estate.  Her aging father, Count Neseri (Tino Carraro), is extremely protective of Daniella but, at the same time, he also tells her stories about how one of her ancestors was rumored to be a werewolf so you really have to wonder how good of a father he actually is.

When Daniella’s younger sister, Elena (Dagmar Lassander), comes home with her fiancée, Daniella hides out in the hallway and listens while they make love.  Later that night, Daniella is wandering around outside when she runs into the fiancée.  She proceeds to rip out his throat with her teeth and then leave him for dead.  The police are convinced that he was murdered by a wild animal but Elena and Count Neseri both believe that Daniella was responsible.

So, Daniella ends up in an insane asylum but it takes more than just four walls and a locked door to hold Daniella prisoner.  One of her fellow patients is a predatory lesbian (yes, this is very much a 70s movie) who tries to seduce Daniella.  Unfortunately, any and all sexual thoughts cause Daniella to mentally (if not physically) transform into a werewolf.  Soon, the patient has had her throat ripped out and Daniella has escaped.

The rest of the film follows Daniella as she makes her way across the Italian countryside, stopping to kill anyone who causes her to become aroused or to even think about sex.  Or, at least, that is until she meets Luca (Howard Ross), who is a sensitive man and lover.  Daniella and Luca have a falling in love montage.  They make love without Daniella feeling the urge to rip out his throat.  Things are going to be okay, right?

Nope.  Inevitably, a biker gang shows up and violently destroys their happiness.  In the spirit and style of I Spit On Your Grave, it’s up to Daniella to get revenge.

Now, when talking about a movie like Werewolf Woman — one that links lycanthropy with both sexual repression and a sexual awakening — it’s easy to read too much into the plot.  I’ve been tempted to do just that while writing this review.  Whether it was what the director’s intended it or not, there is a potentially intriguing theme running through Werewolf Woman, in which Daniella imagines herself as a werewolf because it’s the only way that she can survive in a world that is determined to sexually exploit, demean, and oppress her.  Daniella’s mental transformation is ultimately the result of her own repressed emotions and fears and I’m sure that many would argue that Werewolf Woman, in the tradition of Repulsion and Ms. 45, is taking a stand against a patriarchal and repressive society (never mind that Daniella ultimately kills almost as many women as men).

And you know what?  If this was a Jess Franco film, I’d give it the benefit of the doubt.

But ultimately, Werewolf Woman is no Ginger Snaps.  Instead, it’s a somewhat slow soft core flick that doesn’t really add up to much.  (Any and all subtext is definitely present by accident only.)  That said, Annik Borel does a good job in the lead role and loves of Euroshock will enjoy seeing familiar faces like Howard Ross and Dagmar Lassander in the cast.  Add to that, I always enjoy any film the features a woman getting bloody revenge on misogynists, even if this film ultimately left me feeling more icky than empowered.