6 Trailers Designed To Bring Out The Beast In You

St. Larry, patron of werewolves

For today’s special Devil’s Night edition of Lisa Marie’s Favorite Grindhouse Trailers, we pay tribute to the werewolves!

Sadly, werewolves have been kind of overshadowed lately.  Everyone loves the zombies.  Everyone loves the vampires.  Everyone loves the weird little creatures that secretly control the Dark Web.  But, werewolves — those brave lycanthropes — have not been getting the respect that they deserve.

So, to correct that, here are 6 trailers for the wolves!

  1. The Curse of the Werewolf (1961)

Oliver Reed as a werewolf?  Hey, it makes sense.  This classic Hammer film brought new fame to the werewolves of London.

2. The Werewolf of Washington (1973)

The movie has its issues but that is a great title!

3. Werewolf Woman (1976)

This is an Italian film, starring Annik Borel as a woman who thinks that she’s a werewolf.  And, depending on which version of this film that you see, she might be right.

4. An American Werewolf in London (1981)

Meanwhile, back in London, a young American backpacker discovers why American tourists are not universally beloved in Europe.  They have a bad habit of wandering out to the moors on nights when there is a full moon.  This classic film features perhaps the best scene to ever take place in a sleazy porno theater.

5. The Howling (1981)

1981 was a good year for werewolf films.

6. An American Werewolf in Paris (1997)

It’s not a very good film but …. hey!  Look!  Paris!

Have a howlingly good Halloween, everyone!

Shattered Politics #32: The Werewolf of Washington (dir by Milton Moses Ginsberg)

Werewolf of Washington (1973)

First released in 1973, The Werewolf of Washington is one of those obscure films that always seems to pop up in Mill Creek box sets.  That’s largely because Werewolf of Washington has slipped into the public domain and anyone can release and sell a copy of it.  (It’s also been uploaded to YouTube by a few hundred different users.)  It’s a film that I’ve actually watched quite a few times, largely because it is so easily available.

Which doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s any good.  I have to admit that, in between viewings, I always seem to convince myself that The Werewolf of Washington is a better film than it actually is.  The idea behind the film sounds clever.  The President’s press secretary (played by Dean Stockwell) is a werewolf.  When the full moon shines, he transforms and wrecks havoc on the streets on D.C.  Stockwell still wears his suit, even when he’s a wolfman.  The President (played by Biff McGuire) is a total idiot who spends a lot of time bowling.  The Attorney General (Clifton James) is a paranoid fascist who is quick to blame the werewolf’s murders on outside agitators.  For no particular reason, a dwarf mad scientist (Michael Dunn) shows up.

Yes, the idea is clever but the execution … actually, the execution is not terrible.  Dean Stockwell gives a good performance and there’s a funny scene where he starts to turn into a werewolf while bowling with the President.  Stockwell’s fingers swell up and get stuck in the bowling ball and Stockwell totally freaks out.  And then there’s a scene where the werewolf attacks a woman in a phone booth and it’s actually rather suspenseful and almost scary.  Plus, Biff McGuire is great and all too plausible as the vapid President.

And yet, overall, the film itself is never as good as you want it to be.  I think a large part of the problem is that the film opens with a long voice over from Dean Stockwell, which explains why his character ended up in Budapest (that would be where he gets bitten by the werewolf) and why the President subsequently named him press secretary.  It’s so much backstory that you get the feeling that the opening narration must have been added in post production in order to cover up scenes that either did not work or that the film’s director never got a chance to shoot.

And really, the entire film is like that.  The film is a collection of scenes that never really flow together or establish any sort of steady pace.  And, when it comes to both horror and comedy, pace is key.

The Werewolf of Washington is a clever idea.  I just wish the execution had been just as clever.

And I’ll probably continue to wish that the next time that I rewatch it.



Horror On The Lens: The Werewolf of Washington (dir by Milton Moses Ginsberg)

Werewolf of Washington (1973)

Since this October began, we have featured ghosts, vampires, a sadist, and some Cambodian zombies.  Therefore, it makes sense that, for our latest horror film on the Lens, we should feature a werewolf.

In The Werewolf of Washington, a manic Dean Stockwell plays an aide to the President of the United States who, during an assignment in Hungary, meets some gypsies, and ends up getting attacked by a werewolf.  Soon, Stockwell is back in Washington and turning into a wolf under the glow of the full moon…

The Werewolf of Washington features a memorable performance from Stockwell and the werewolf effects are fairly effective.  However, The Werewolf of Washington is mostly memorable as a document of its time.  The film was first released in 1973 and it’s meant to be a social and political satire along with being a traditional werewolf movie.   Admittedly, this is a low-budget and frequently uneven film but it’s worth seeing just for the scene where Stockwell gets his finger stuck in a bowling ball.

6 Trailers To Make You Go “Rah Rah RAH!”

It’s time for another edition of Lisa Marie’s Favorite Grindhouse and Exploitation Film trailers.  The trailer kitty is ready!  Are you?

1) Assassination (1988)

The trailer almost feels like a parody of a generic action movie trailer.  However, I’ve done the research and apparently, this is an actual film.

2) The President’s Analyst (1968)

I recently got this one on DVD but I haven’t watched it yet.  Any film from the 60s that features James Coburn and love beads is worth watching.

3) Detroit 9000 (1973)

This is another one that I’ve got on DVD but have yet to watch.

4) Billy Jack Goes To Washington (1977)

I think I’ve shared both this and the next trailer before but with it being National Rah Rah Rah Day and all, I figured why not share it again?

5) Werewolf of Washington (1973)

Rah rah…

6) The Delta Force 2 (1990)


What do you think, Trailer Kitty?

Trailer Kitty

He’s thinking about it.