Celebrate Rural America With The Pulps!

Artist Unknown

To help you get in the mood for the 4th of July, here is a very pulpy celebration of rural America!

by Rudy Nappi

Artist Unknown

by James Avati

by Julian Paul

by Lou Marchetti

by Raymond Johnson

by Rudy Nappi

by Rudy Nappi

by Victor Olson

by Warren King

by TW McClean

Unknown Artist

Artist Profile: Warren King (1916 — 1978)

Born in Brooklyn and educated in New York City (he received a Bachelor of Sciences degree from Fordham University), Warren King began his career as a freelance artist in 1940.  Though King was responsible for several paperback and pulp magazine covers, he was best-known for his work as the Chief Editorial Cartoonist for The New York Daily News.  King began his work for the New York Daily News in 1955 and would stay with them for the next twenty years.

Here are a few examples of King’s work.

High Times Of The Pulp Era

Artist Unknown

Drug abuse is not a new problem in the United States.  The pulp era wrestled with the problem too, with many publications and novels telling the story of young women and young me who fell afoul the pushers and were enticed into a life of sin.

Here’s just a sampling of the high times of the Pulp Era:

by Bill Edwards

by Bill Fleming

by Gerald Gregg

by Howell Dodd

by Rafael DeSoto

by Raymond Johnson

Unknown Artist

by Victor Seach

by Warren King

Artist Unknown