Trailer: Crimson Dragon (E3 Announcement)

CrimsonDragonPanzer Dragoon is a video game franchise that’s beloved by small, but very vocal group of gaming fans. The series first appeared in the SEGA Saturn way back in 1995 and last made an appearance on the Xbox in 2003 with Panzer Dragoon Orta.

It’s now been a decade since that last title and now the franchise returns with Crimson Dragon which also includes the return of the series’ original creator in Yukio Futatsugi and the series’ composer in Saori Kobayashi. Crimson Dragon doesn’t look to deviate away from it’s rail-shooter origins and for fans of the franchise that’s a relief. This new title looks to upgrade the series’ usual beautiful graphics by using that venerable graphics engine from Epic: Unreal Engine 3.

The title will be an Xbox One release but also only available through Xbox Live Arcade. There’s been many titles announced for the Xbox One, but Crimson Dragon looks to be the first one that’s developed to be released for the Xbox One through the Xbox Live Arcade game download system. Also, it looks like the game will feature the use of the Kinect sensor on the Xbox One to monitor a player’s right and left hand when it comes to aiming the homing missiles at targets.

Crimson Dragon has a tentative release date sometime in late 2013 and just in time for the Xbox One release.

Trailer: Mass Effect 3 “Against All Odds”

Mass Effect 3 is one of the most-anticipated gaming titles for 2012. It will be the third and final title that chronicles the character of Cmdr. Shepard and his fight to save the galaxy against the extragalactic threat of the “Reapers”. It’s developer, BioWare, has been quite busy since the title was first announced with showing gaming fans some tidbits about the game’s development. Most of the trailer which has come out about this game has been a mix of pre-rendered CG animation and actual gameplay footage which at times seems to be quite indistinguishable from each other.

The latest trailer for this game first premiered at this weekend’s Spike TV’s Video Game Awards. To say that the reaction to the trailer was a near-unanimous geekgasm would be an understatement. If there was a game that will pull gamers from their near-obsessive playing of Bethesda’s Skyrim it would be BioWare’s Mass Effect 3. This trailer is all gameplay and shows some of the latest gameplay mechanics (such as the dodge roll moves) during one of the game’s many stages.

I, for one, have already preordered and fully paid my N7 Collector’s Edition copy of this game and will justĀ  have to wait for it’s release date of March 6, 2012.

E3 2011: BioShock Infinite Gameplay Trailer

Ken Levine, head of 2K Games’ Irrational Games development studio, was on-stage during Sony’s E3 Press Conference to hype up his latest title to the acclaimed BioShock franchise. The third game in the series looks to take the series from it’s failed undersea utopian city of Rapture and into the skies. Like Rapture, BioShock Infinite will have a setting that will be a full-blown city but floating skyward attached to giant balloons and zeppelin-like structures with rails that act almost like rollercoaster tracks for players to move from place to place.

The trailer Levine showed at the Sony Presser looks to be one using all gameplay footage which is always a welcome sight since in year’s past too many games promised too much based on cinematic, pre-rendered trailers. I’m all for CG-animated trailers, but it’s always how the gameplay looks and plays that counts in the end.

One thing that was also announced by Levine during this press conference was how the Sony version of BioShock Infinite will have the option for players to use the Playstation Move motion controller to play through the game.

BioShock Infinite only has an approximate release date around 2012.

Bulletstorm E3 2010 Demo

Of all the shooters profiled at E3 2010 the one which stood out the most and looked to be most fun was Epic Games and People Can Fly Studio’s upcoming arcade-like shooter Bulletstorm. The game is developed by Polish game developer People Can Fly headed by Adrian Chmielarz. The game looks to follow in the footsteps of another arcade-like shooter which came out in 2009: Borderlands.

Bulletstorm takes a different approach from the more realistic shooters like Modern Warfare 2 and Bad Company 2. The game goes the way of over-the-top action similar to past classic shooters like Duke Nuke ‘Em and Serious Sam. They marry this with the XP mechanics of an rpg which helps levels up the abilities of the player and allow them to upgrade/buy better weapons and gear.

From the demo trailer shown above the game also looks to add some very Rated-R comedic dialogue in addition to the gory action. The game definitely looks fun and looks great. Like all Epic Games published titles it looks like Bulletstorm will be using Epic’s proprietary Unreal Engine 3.

The game has a tentative release date of February 22, 2011 for the platforms Xbox 360, PS3 and Windows PC.