4 Shots From 4 Best Picture Winners: The 1990s

4 Shots From 4 Films is just what it says it is, 4 shots from 4 of our favorite films. As opposed to the reviews and recaps that we usually post, 4 Shots From 4 Films lets the visuals do the talking!

Today, I’m using this feature to take a look at the history of the Academy Award for Best Picture.  Decade by decade, I’m going to highlight my picks for best of the winning films.  To start with, here are 4 shots from 4 Films that won Best Picture during the 1990s!  Here are….

4 Shots From 4 Best Picture Winners: The 1990s

The Silence Of The Lambs (1991, dir by Jonathan Demme, DP: Tak Fujimoto)

Unforgiven (1992, dir by Clint Eastwood, DP: Jack N. Green)

Schindler’s List (1993, dir by Steven Spielberg, DP: Janusz Kamiński)

Shakespeare In Love (1998, dir by John Madden, DP: Richard Greatrex)

Through The Shattered Lens Wishes A Happy Birthday To Steven Spielberg

Today the Shattered Lens is happy to wish the great Steven Spielberg a happy birthday!

It’s perhaps impossible to pick just one scene or just four shots to represent the career and the talent of Steven Spielberg.  So, in honor of his birthday, I am going to share the moments when Steven Spielberg won his first two competitive Oscars, for directing and producing 1993’s Schindler’s List.  His words are even more important today.

Let’s Second Guess The Academy: Best Picture 1993

Dazed and ConfusedOccasionally, I like to do a little thing that I call “Let’s second guess the Academy.”  This is when we look at the films that have won Academy Awards in the past and we ask ourselves, “Should that film have won?”

For this latest edition of Let’s Second Guess the Academy, let’s take a look at 1993.  The 1993 Academy Awards were dominated by Schindler’s List.  Steven Spielberg’s powerful Holocaust drama won both best picture and best director.   It remains the film by which all other Holocaust dramas are judged.

But did Schindler’s List deserve to win?  Or would you have preferred to see one of the other four nominees win the title of Best Picture of 1993?  Let us know by voting below!

Now, here comes the fun part.  Let’s say that Spielberg never got around to directing Schindler’s List.  And maybe The Piano never played in the states and The Fugitive bombed at the box office.  Let’s say that none of the five best picture nominees had been eligible to be nominated in 1993.  Which five films would you have nominated in their place?

Below, you can vote for up to five alternative nominees.
