Horror On The Lens: The Twonky (dir by Arch Oboler)

In this 1953 satire, a philosophy professor named Kerry West (Hans Conried) buys a television.  (Remember, this was a time when televisions were still a relatively new phenomena.)  Imagine Kerry’s surprise when he discovers that his television can walk, talk, light his cigarettes, clean the house, and make money materialize out of nowhere!

Sounds great, right?

The only problem is that this TV is not only a bit possessive but it also uses its powers to brainwash people and rob them of their individuality!

Technically, The Twonky is more a comedy than a horror movie.  In fact, it’s really not scary at all.  But it is a lot of fun and it’s interesting to see how a filmmaker in the 50s dealt with television’s growing role in American society.
