The Lullaby: Preview, Review and trailer

Remember that sweet song your Mother sang to you as a child?



Reine Swart as Chloe van Heerdon

Brandon Aruret as Dr. Timothy Reed

Shayla-Rae McFarlane as young Chloe


Chloe is overwhelmed by the birth of her first child. The incessant crying of her baby, the growing sense of guilt and paranoia sends her into depression. With a heightened urge to protect her son, Chloe sees danger in every situation. She starts to hear voices, the humming of a childhood lullaby and sees flashes of a strange entity around her child. Convinced that the entity is real, Chloe will do everything in her power to protect her son. Is she haunted by evil or is it just the baby blues?


index Oh, Child, we got so much to talk about! Your Mama is not crazy, you are! Or are you? Or was you just twisting my mind?








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Or is your Mom really crazy!





pic 3 Or your Grandma?


That sweet little song you Mom sang to you as a child… you know… that comforting song that always puts you into dream land… yeah, this movie might make you sleep different tonight!


Uncork’d Entertainment presents a Phoenix Film with Valhalla Productions Directed by Darrell James Roodt




Would I recommend this movie:

Yep, absolutely! One of the best horror/thriller movies I have seen this year!

Where can you see it?

The Lullaby is opening in theaters and on VOD March 2, 2018

Oh, BTW:

No Spoilers, but Chloe is back….

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Curse Of The Witch’s Doll: Movie preview, review, and trailer.


Lawrence Fowler


Helen Crevel: as Adeline Grey

Michelle Archer: as Doris

Claire Carren: as The Witch


Adeline Gray’s attempt to escape bombing in her home town leads her to a derelict, creepy manor in the woods. When Adeline’s young daughter goes missing during a game of hide-and-seek, a series of inexplicable events lead her to believe a haunted doll holds a vengeful soul; the soul of a murdered Witch. As Adeline’s desperate search for her daughter continues, it soon becomes clear; to have any hope of being reunited, she must defeat the curse of The Witch’s Doll.


Straight up, I am not going lie, this movie messed me up! It hit on everything I find scary. From a lost child, to a deranged asylum, to a possessed doll, to a demonic witch. I went into a comfortable Sunday afternoon, now, to looking around every corner at everything.


Should you dare watch this movie I am certain you will be just as afraid as I am right now!

While you watch, remember to look over your shoulder at all times!


If you dare, the trailer is right here!



Curse Of The Witch’s Doll is a High Octane Pictures production, Directed by Lawrence Fowler.

And if you dare again:

Curse Of The Witch’s Doll Will be available on VOD February 6th, 2018, DVD March 6th, 2018 and SVOD June 5th, 2018

Also, remember:

“Her soul lives on”

Dance Baby Dance: Movie Preview and Review




Have you ever had a dream? JIMMY PERCER did. His was to be a professional tap dancer. And in his early 20s, he was on his way … until a horrible knee injury stopped him in his tracks. He rehabbed like crazy to get back to where he had a chance again … only to re-injure the knee….


Beverley Mitchell (“Seventh Heaven”), Jim O’Heir (“Parks and Recreation”), Carlos Alazraqui (Despicable Me 3)


#TSL family, you know I mostly review/preview horror movies, but this movie hit me right to the core, hard. I remember the day… No, I am going to stop there…

…And pick up here…There is one day all of us have fallen down.. It happens to the best of us….

…And.. no, this ending is like no other you have ever seen!

Brilliant! Fantastic! And a gut-punch of a movie!

Would I recommend:

If you haven’t already figured out, this is a great movie!

Here is the trailer:

Dance Baby Dance has a limited movie release in theaters on January 19th followed by an Amazon release on January 25th


Studio: Indie Rights
Director:  Stephen Kogon
Cast :  Stephen Kogon, Beverley Mitchell.

Bad Apples: Movie preview and review



Brea Grant (“Dexter”, A Ghost Story)

Graham Skipper (Beyond the Gates)

Andrea Collins (The Hospital)

Danielle Reverman (Infernal)


It’s Halloween night, and two “bad apples” decide to play some wicked tricks on the one house in a suburban cul-de-sac that is not celebrating Halloween. They terrorize a young couple in their home and these tricks become increasingly more sinister as the night progresses, finally ending in a Halloween the entire neighborhood will never forget.


Frankly, this movie is truly “Rotten to the core” And, by that, I mean I would eat every apple seed of this movie! Don’t ‘worm’ your way out of seeing it. (ok, done with the puns!)

Actually, I had a lot of fun watching this movie! And don’t the twins look so cute!


In all fairness, this is one of the funniest horror comedies I have seen in a while!


Now, let’s all sit down and have a glass of…ummm… Apple cider (last pun):


And watch the trailer!

Would I recommend this movie?

I seriously had fun watching it. So, if your gore-humor is like mine, then yeah, absolutely see it.


This Bryan Coyne film is distributed via Uncork’d Entertainment and will be available on VOD February 6, 2018


It does get a bit gory at times!

House of Salem Movie preview and Review

Ok…… get this out of your system first…. Will you come out and play? I’ll answer that question later!*



A group of kidnappers become a child’s unlikely protectors after discovering they have unwittingly been set up to take part in a satanic ritual. As they begin to uncover the truth of the house they find themselves trapped, they must battle demonic forces and uncover a legacy of over a hundred years of murder in the name of the Dev



I am not going to argue, I love Wild Eye Releasing  movies! And whenever I get a screener I really miss the days when us #SnarkAlecs would just sit back and watch a good Sci-Fi movie! And this is one of the movies I would be proud to be associated with!

This movie is awesome in the perfect way!

Would I recommend this movie?

Nope…Unless you just want a fun, snarkable movie! Then, YES!

Take your chances and look at the trailer now!


*Admit it… You want to come out and play Now!

House Of Salem will be available on January 23, 2018 on all your VOD devices!

Driving While Black: Movie review/ preview



“Based on the real life experiences of writer and lead actor Dominique Purdy, this arresting new comedy explores Purdy’s real life experiences growing up as a person of color in LA and his run ins with police.

With 32 film festival wins to date, and an ever-increasing online fanbase, Driving While Black is shaping up to be one of the most anticipated comedy releases of 2018.

Dmitri is a pizza guy who would rather smoke weed and suffer for his art, but his mom and his girl won’t stop nagging him to get a real job. When he’s offered a gig mouthing off to tourists behind the wheel of a Hollywood “star tour” bus, it looks like everyone might get what they want. Trouble is, our man can’t seem to step out the door to get to the interview without endless complications: busted radiators, simple weed scores gone sideways and LAPD cruisers seemingly everywhere. Dmitri’s skill at going unnoticed by cops is honed by painful experiences growing up Black in L.A., but even his keen survival instincts won’t save him from the week from hell.

With a jovial swagger to its walking pace, Driving While Black is half comedy of errors and half hard-bitten realism, tucked into a sly treatise on 21st-century over-policing.”



I didn’t laugh, I didn’t cry…. but anybody that watches it will! The way Dmitri tells his story is so captivating, compelling, and funny at the same time is amazing! I went into this movie thinking it was a comedy, after watching I realized that is life. I got drawn in, literally hooked while watching!

Would I recommend this movie?

Yeah, drop your dollars as soon as you can! I mean as fast as you can see this movie! Do it!




If you want to get a glimpse of this great movie before you drop your dollars you can here!


Driving While Black will be in theaters February 1st and I highly recommend you seeing it!

A visit from St. Nicholas: By Clement Clarke Moore

‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there;

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads;
And mamma in her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled down for a long winter’s nap,

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.

The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below,
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer,

With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;

“Now, DASHER! now, DANCER! now, PRANCER and VIXEN!
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!”

As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky,
So up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of toys, and St. Nicholas too

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my hand, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound.

He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot;
A bundle of toys he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack.

His eyes — how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow;

The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath;
He had a broad face and a little round belly,
That shook, when he laughed like a bowlful of jelly.

He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself;
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread;

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the stockings; then turned with a jerk,
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose;

He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,

Wishing all of my #TSL family a safe and happy Christmas and a blessed New Year!

Bunnyman: Vengeance


Before I start, if you haven’t watched the first two Bunnyman movies, do yourself a favor and go watch them now…don’t worry about reading this review…just go down that rabbit hole now, I’ll be here when you get back.

(For those of you that are impatient, Bunnyman trilogy is about a man who dresses like a Bunny and likes to hunt Easter eggs…(FFS…watch the damn movies!!)

Let’s talk about the technical stuff while everybody catches up!

 Writer-director: Carl Lindbergh,


Diana Prince (Puppet Master: Axis Termination),

Debby Gerber (“Glee”)

Marshal Hilton (The Bunnyman Massacre)

Now on to the VENGEANCE! and I mean let the fur fly!



The man known as Bunnyman returns home to find his family running a haunted house attraction. The family welcomes him home, but soon realizes you cannot domesticate a wild animal. Death and mayhem ensue as the family turns on one another to fulfill their bloodlust…



If you haven’t already guessed, I am a huge fan of the Bunnyman movies. And when I got this screener I couldn’t watch fast enough. In this final chapter, all …umm Rabbies break lose and vengeance is regained! And I mean regained with a VENGEANCE!

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Would I recommend this movie?

Nothing will stop you from watching the final chapter. Watch it as soon as you can escape your bloody burrow…or I will be gunning for your rabbit skin!

sheriff 3_preview

Bunnyman: Vengeance will be available on VOD thru Uncorked Entertainment on October 20,2017….


And you can watch the awesome trailer here!

Free Movies for all!

Going to try something new and if this catches on I’ll keep it going with them.

A list of movies that you can stream absolutely free, no logins, no subscriptions, no add-ons, no payments, just free movies*.  I’m thinking 4-5 movies per weekend spaced across several genres of movies; Comedy, Drama, Family/Kid-friendly,  Horror, Sci-Fi, and Romance.

Okay, cool, you get the idea! So here we go!



Amazing performance by Will Smith portraying the G.O.A.T. Muhammad Ali. From Academy award nominated director Michael Mann and co-staring Jon Voight, Ali is a gripping story into his life

Ali is free on Crackle

Ali trailer is here:



Woke Up Dead:

Starting out as a web series, Woke Up Dead was turned into a full length feature film. Starring Jon Heder and Krysten Ritter.

A young man who awakes in a full bathtub after ‘drowning’ and has no heartbeat, prompting his friends to believe him to be a zombie.

More in the, um, vein, (sorry for the pun) of comedy-horror, still a funny movie.

Woke Up Dead is also available for free on Crackle

And you can watch the trailer here:


Family Movie:

All Dogs Go To Heaven

A-sit-around-the-TV family friendly movie, All Dogs go to Heaven is a song filled story of laughs,tears and true love! Burt Reynolds, Dom Delouise and Lonnie Anderson star in this classic!

All Dogs Go to Heaven is available on TubiTV for free!

And you can see the trailer here:




For you horror fiends, this movie really twisted me. It’s very post-apocalyptic, Frankenstein-ish twist, with all the suspense and gore you want.  (what is it like to be dead)

Puzzlehead is on MidnightPulp for free.

and you can see the trailer here:


There it is y’all, four free movies you can stream this weekend across various genres!


If you like the idea of what I am trying to do, please comment, RT or Like!


*Can’t say there won’t be commercials in these movies, likely they are, but that is just time for bathroom breaks!





Clowntergeist: Preview, Review and Trailer

Sorry I have been “Clowning” it up a but with my last few reviews, but you know, Coulrophobia and all!


ok, seriously, my last movie review was about clowns; and now this one.

Clowntergeist 04

Let’s get the technicals out of the way:

Studio: High Octane Pictures

Director: Aaron Mirtes

Cast :  Tom Seidman, Burt Culver and Brittany Belland



Emma, a college student with a crippling fear of clowns, must come face to face with her worst fear when an evil spirit in the body of a clown is summoned terrorizing the town she calls home. One by one Emma and her friends receive a balloon with the exact time and date of when it will appear to kill them written on it. After receiving her balloon, Emma realizes that she has two days left to live, and must fight against the clock to find a way to survive.



As much as this movie captured all the, shall I say tongue-in-cheek, plot lines. It did manage to scare me quiet a bit!

Now, please don’t read to much into the plot holes when you watch this movie. They are several to fall into. At times I am not sure this is meant to be a serious movie. But I was thoroughly entertained!


Would I recommend this movie?

On my horror scale:

3.25 out of 5. But factor the fun of it, I give it a 4!




But, since it is time for IT (trailer via Lisa Marie Bowman)  to come out, no wonder I am getting so many clown movies to screen! And nightmares to sleep thru!


Should we watch the trailer for ‘Clowntergeist’ together? Yes we should!



Who wants to hold hands now!

Clowntergeist 02


Clowntergeist will be available on VOD on all your platforms September 12, 2017 And on DVD in October, just in time for Halloween!