Lisa Marie’s Week In Review: 5/20/24 — 5/26/24

I sprained my wrist on Thursday and it hurts to type so only a mini-update this week.

Films I Watched:

  1. Bleeding Love (2024)
  2. Cutting Class (1989)
  3. Defiance (1984)
  4. Dune Part II (2024)
  5. The Late Shift (1996)
  6. Menace II Society (1993)
  7. The Mummy Murders (2024)
  8. Pier 23 (1952)
  9. Sunrise (2024)
  10. There’s Something Wrong With The Children (2023)
  11. Trancers (1984)

Links From Last Week:

  1. Loving You Is All I Know
  2. Tater’s Week in Review 5/25/24
  3. A “Wacky Neighbors” Blogathon! I’ve Got A Coven Of “Rosemary’s Baby” Neighbors For You!

Want to see what I did last week?  Click here!

Retro Television Review: Indict & Convict (dir by Boris Sagal)

Welcome to Retro Television Reviews, a feature where we review some of our favorite and least favorite shows of the past!  On Sundays, I will be reviewing the made-for-television movies that used to be a primetime mainstay.  Today’s film is 1974’s Indict & Convict!  It  can be viewed on YouTube.

There’s been a murder!

The wife of Assistant District Attorney Sam Belden (William Shatner) has been found, shot to death.  Making things especially awkward is that the body of her lover is found next to her.  Though Belden is the obvious suspect, he has an alibi for the time of the murders.  He claims that he was in Las Vegas, attending a convention.  Two gas station attendants remember seeing him filling up his car with gas at around the same time that his wife and her lover was being shot.

Attorney General Timothy Fitzgerald (Ed Flanders) is not so sure that Belden is innocent.  He instructs two of his top prosecutors to check out Belden’s story and to see if there’s enough evidence to not only indict but also to convict.  Bob Matthews (George Grizzard) is a veteran prosecutor and he’s the one who narrates the story for us.  Assisting him is Mike Belano, who is played by the always likable Reni Santoni.  Just three years before this movie aired, Santoni played Harry Callahan’s partner in Dirty Harry.  There was just something about Santoni’s friendly but determined demeanor that made him perfect the role of the supportive partner or assistant.

The film is very much a legal procedural, with the emphasis on not only the investigation but also on the strategies and the techniques that are used in the courtroom by Matthews and defense attorney DeWitt Foster (Eli Wallach).  In many ways, it feels like a forerunner to Law & Order.  Usually, I love court procedurals but Indict & Convict was a bit too slow and high-minded for its own good.  Maybe it’s because I’ve been spoiled by all of the legal shows that I’ve seen but I have to admit that I spent a good deal of Indict & Convict wanting the prosecutors to get on with it.  Flanders, Grizzard, Santoni, and Wallach were all ideally cast but the film itself sometimes got bogged down with all the debate about the best way to win a conviction.  It’s a shame because the story itself is an intriguing one and I actually enjoyed the movie’s use of spinning newspaper headlines to let us know what had happened in between scenes.  Also, as a classic film fan, I enjoyed seeing Myrna Loy as the judge.  She didn’t get to do much other than say, “Sustained” and “Overruled,” but still …. Myrna Loy!

Most people who watch this film will probably do so out of the hope of seeing some trademark Shatner overacting.  William Shatner doesn’t actually get to say much in this film.  He spends most of the running time sitting silently at the defense table.  Towards the end, he does finally get a chance to deliver a brief speech and it’s everything you could hope for.  Shatner takes dramatic pauses.  Shatner emphasizes random words.  Every line is delivered with the subtext of, “Pay attention, Emmy voters!”  Eventually, Shatner would learn the value of laughing at oneself but apparently, that lesson had not yet been learned when he did Indict & Convict.

Artwork of the Day: Soldier for Fortune (by Tom Dunn)

by Tom Dunn

Soldier of Fortune was first published in 1953 but there are many different editions of this book and it is difficult to pinpoint an exact year for this cover.  Because The High and Mighty was a best seller and was turned into a movie in 1954, I’m going to guess that this cover from either 1954 or a year or two after.

Music Video Of The Day: Again by Alice In Chains 1996, directed by Layne Staley and George Vale)

This video features the tragic Layne Staley at his best.  This would be the final music video that he would film with Alice in Chains.  Again was a moderate hit for the group, though it was also nominated for a Grammy for Best Hard Rock Performance.

Director George Vale has also worked with Our Lady Peace, The Tea Party, Danko Jones, Stars, and Broken Social Scene.
