Retro Television Reviews: Welcome Back, Kotter 3.1 “Sweathog Back To School Special”

Welcome to Retro Television Reviews, a feature where we review some of our favorite and least favorite shows of the past!  On Saturdays, I will be reviewing Welcome Back Kotter, which ran on ABC  from 1975 to 1979.  The entire show is currently streaming on Tubi!

This week, season 3 begins!

Episode 3.1 “Sweathog Back to School Special”

(Dir by Bob Claver, originally aired on September 10th, 1977)

A new school year approaches and the Sweathogs have decided to throw a surprise party for their favorite teacher!  Julie and Woodman (who makes it a point to say that he was against the party) lead Gabe to his classroom and surprise!  The Sweathogs even spent $5.75 to get Gabe a new watch.

Gabe and the Sweathogs talk about everything that they’ve been through over the past year and….

Yep, it’s a clip show.

Usually, I skip over clip shows but I did watch this one, just because the first season and the first half of the second season of Welcome Back, Kotter were both pretty good.  Unfortunately, the first half of this clip show was more devoted to catch phrases than sharing classic scenes.  As such, we got a lot of clips of Horshack laughing, Freddie saying “Hi there,” Epstein handing over notes, and Barbarino dancing.  It allowed all four of the main Sweathogs to show off their trademarks but it also made the overall series seem even more gimmicky than it was.

It was only during the second half of the episode that the show offered up some clips from the first season in which Gabe helped each Sweathog find their confidence.  Gabe encouraged Barbarino to get tutoring.  He played a game of basketball with Freddie and, even though Gabe lost big time, Freddie still agreed to take a makeup exam.  Gabe told Epstein that he knew there was a sensitive soul underneath Epstein’s fierce exterior.  And Gabe listened as Horshack talked about the reality of being the class weirdo.  I was glad these clips were included because they served as a reminder that the show started out as an earnest series about a teacher trying to help kids who had been written off by the system.  John Travolta, Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs, Robert Hegyes, and Ron Palillo all showed, in those early episodes, that they were capable of more than just delivering jokey one-liners.

The best part of the episode was when Gabe said, “Remember that time I nearly got fired?” and Woodman replied, “That was a wonderful day.”  John Sylvester White could do a lot with a one-liner and one of the pleasures of the show was discovering just how truly out there Woodman could be.

As for Julie, she remembered the time the Sweathogs destroyed the apartment while trying to clean it.  She still didn’t appear to have forgiven the Sweathogs but that could just be because, as always, Marcia Strassman came across as if she would rather be doing anything other than co-starring on Welcome Back, Kotter.

Once all the clips have been shown, Gabe asks everyone if he’s ever told them about his Uncle Morris, bringing the party (and the episode) to an abrupt end as everyone flees the classroom.

Next week, Julie gives birth and Barbarino drops out of school!

2 responses to “Retro Television Reviews: Welcome Back, Kotter 3.1 “Sweathog Back To School Special”

  1. Pingback: Lisa Marie’s Week In Television: 12/3/23 — 12/9/23 | Through the Shattered Lens

  2. Pingback: Lisa Marie’s Week In Review: 12/4/23 — 12/10/23 | Through the Shattered Lens

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