8 Shots From 8 Films: Special Mario Bava Edition

8 Shots From 8 Films is just what it says it is, 8 shots from 8 of our favorite films. As opposed to the reviews and recaps that we usually post, 8 Shots From 8 Films is all about letting the visuals do the talking.

This October, I am going to be using our 8 Shots From 8 Films feature to pay tribute to some of my favorite horror directors, in alphabetical order!  That’s right, we’re going from Argento to Zombie in one month!

Today’s director is Mario Bava, the maestro of Italian horror and one of the most influential and important filmakers of all time!

8 Shots From 8 Mario Bava Films

Black Sunday (1960, dir by Mario Bava, DP: Mario Bava)

Black Sabbath (1963, dir by Mario Bava, DP: Ubaldo Terzano and Mario Bava)

Blood and Black Lace (1964, dir by Mario Bava, DP: Ubaldo Terzano)

Planet of the Vampires (1965, dir by Mario Bava, DP: Antonio Rinaldi)

Kill Baby Kill (1966, dir by Mario Bava, DP: Antonio Rinaldi)

Bay of Blood (1971, dir by Mario Bava, DP: Mario Bava)

Lisa and the Devil (1974, dir by Mario Bava. DP: Cecilio Paniagua)

Shock (1977, dir by Mario Bava, DP: Alberto Spagnoli and Mario Bava)

2 responses to “8 Shots From 8 Films: Special Mario Bava Edition

    • My bad. Ms. Steele is very much alive. My apologies to her and her fans.

      It was another Horror Queen, Barbara Shelley, who passed away two years ago.


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