Scenes That I Love: “Greed is Good” from Wall Street

Today, the Shattered Lens wishes a happy 79th birthday to actor and producer Michael Douglas!

For today’s scene that I love, we have a scene from Oliver Stone’s 1987 film, Wall Street.  In this scene, Michael Douglas plays Gordon Gekko.  Gekko is supposed to be the film’s villain but he’s actually a lot more compelling and, at times, sympathetic than the film’s heroes.  He’s not a judgmental jerk like the union leader played by Martin Sheen.  Nor is he a snitch like his protegee, played by Charlie Sheen.  Instead, Gordon Gekko is honest about who he is.

This is the scene that won Michael Douglas an Oscar.  Watching him in this scene, it’s easy to see why Douglas’s performance supposedly inspired a lot of people to get a job working on Wall Street.  Douglas is so charismatic in this scene that he makes this movie, directed by a future supporter of Bernie Sanders, into one of the best advertisements for capitalism ever filmed.

4 responses to “Scenes That I Love: “Greed is Good” from Wall Street

  1. We watched this last year again and, while a time capsule to be sure, it also resonates today with a story of greed over morals….like many of the crypto and “fire festival” scams of today…


  2. Pingback: Lisa Marie’s Week In Review: 9/25/23 — 10/1/23 | Through the Shattered Lens

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