My Super Bowl Predictions

Since the game is just a few hours away, I guess I should make my prediction as to who is going to win the Super Bowl.

This is exactly the type of Super Bowl that I’ve always wanted to see.  Tom Brady is the best quarterback of his generation and probably the best quarterback of all time.  Patrick Mahomes is the best quarterback of the next generation.  This season, Brady proved that he can lead more than one team to the Super Bowl.  Mahomes seems like he has the same type of talent.  This is the best vs. the best.

I think the Buccaneers are going to win.  I think the Chiefs are going to give them a good game.  It’s not going to be easy for either team.  But I think Tampa Bay is going to win in the end.  The Buccaneers are playing at home, which is going to be a huge advantage.  And I just have an unquestioning faith in the ability of Tom Brady to win Super Bowls.  I know that’s not a very scientific analysis but Tom Brady has a talent that sometimes seems to defy everything that we’ve been led to assume about football.  Tom Brady went from being nearly undrafted to winning 6 Super Bowls.  At an age when most football players have already retired, Brady is still playing like a man in his early 30s.  The rest of the team is going to have to do their part but I still see Tom Brady and the Buccaneers winning this game.

Final prediction:

Buccaneers — 24

Chiefs — 21

The game will be won by a last minute field goal that Tom Brady will probably volunteer to kick himself.  Having won his 7th Super Bowl and led two separate teams to victory, Tom Brady will then win a Nobel Peace Prize and write a memoir that will be turned into an Oscar-winning film.  Brady will then be elected governor of whatever state he decides to run in.  Eventually, President Tom Brady will bring about world peace along with ending climate change and personally overseeing the first manned mission to Mars.  After you win seven Super Bowls, there’s nothing you can’t do.

If the Buccaneers somehow lose, it will mean the winter is coming.

Enjoy the game!

4 Shots From 4 Films: Special Greydon Clark Edition

4 (or more) Shots From 4 (or more) Films is just what it says it is, 4 (or more) shots from 4 (or more) of our favorite films. As opposed to the reviews and recaps that we usually post, 4 (or more) Shots From 4 (or more) Films lets the visuals do the talking.

Today, Through the Shattered Lens wishes a happy 78th birthday to the one-of-a-kind director, Greydon Clark!  And that means that it’s time for….

4 Shots From 4 Greydon Clark Films

Angels Brigade (1979, dir by Greydon Clark, DP: Dean Cundey)

Without Warning (1980, dir by Greydon Clark, DP: Dean Cundey)

Final Justice (1985, dir by Greydon Clark, DP: Nicholas Josef von Sternberg)

The Forbidden Dance Is Lambada (1990, dir by Greydon Clark, DP: R. Michael Stringer)

Artwork of the Day: Sport Story Magazine (by Earle Bergey)

by Earle Bergey

Happy Super Bowl Sunday!

This issue of Sport Story Magazine is from 1936.  As you can tell from the Earle Bergey-illustrated cover, football used to look much different.  I don’t know if those leather hats provided much protection.

Lt. Col. Gar Davidson, who wrote the featured story “How the Army Plays Football” was the coach of West Point’s football team.  He coached from 1933 to 1937 and compiled a 35-11-1 record.  Later, from 1956 to 1960, he served as the Superintendent of the United States Military Academy.

Music Video of the Day: Hold The Line by Toto (1978, directed by Michael Collins)

I used to think that this song was called Borderline.  I thought the chorus was “Borderline!  Love isn’t always unkind!”  Of course, the song actually goes, “Hold the line!  Love isn’t always on time!,” which makes more sense.

When this song was recorded, “Hold the line” meant to stay in place.  In this case, the lyrics were directed at a girl who was waiting for the lead singer to commit.  Back in the days of landline phones, it was also something that you said to someone before putting them on hold so you could take another call.  This song became Toto’s first hits and remains one of the band’s signature songs.  When guitarist Steve Lukather finally disbanded Toto in 2009, he said it was because he no longer felt that he could continue to sing Hold the Line with a straight face.

Even before MTV actually became a thing, Toto was doing music videos.  Their video for Hold the Line is a simple performance piece.  It may not have cost much money but it still helped to bring the song to an audience that might have otherwise missed it.
