Music Video of the Day: Can’t Get Enuff by Winger (1991, directed by Michael Bay)

Winger’s the worst but this video for Can’t Get Enuff is interesting just because it was directed by Michael Bay, before he started his feature film career.

Everything about this video identifies it as being a Michael Bay production.  It takes place on a hot day and it features a lot of sexy people finding ways to deal with the heat.  The camera lingers on the sun, the bodies, and the city.  It looks great even if it’s hard to imagine that any of the people in the video would actually be listening to Winger.  The video was so popular that, even though Winger’s style of music was being overshadowed by newcomers like Nirvana, Can’t Get Enuff was still a hit for the band.  Of course, just two years later, Beavis and Butthead premiered on MTV and viewers met Stewart, the loser wearing a Winger t-shirt.  Whatever chance Winger had ever being considered cool in even a retro fashion pretty much ended as soon as Stewart said, “Hey, guys.”


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