Music Video of the Day: Celebrate Youth by Rick Springfield (1985, directed by David Fincher)

When I first read the blandly generic title and I saw that it was performed by Rick Springfield (who I don’t think has ever ben anyone’s idea of a cutting edge musical artist), I assumed that Celebrate Youth was going to be another cheesy, feel good anthem from the 80s.  Then I discovered that this song rocks!

As you could probably guess just by its visual style, this was one of the many music videos that David Fincher directed before moving onto feature films.  The black-and-white cinematography with the only splash of color coming from that red scarf clearly identifies this as one of Fincher’s videos.  The interesting thing about Fincher’s music videos is that they show that, even before he directed his first film, Fincher already had a clear and unique artistic vision.  Just as you would never mistake any of Fincher’s films for the work of another director, the same is true of his music videos.


One response to “Music Video of the Day: Celebrate Youth by Rick Springfield (1985, directed by David Fincher)

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