4 Shots From 4 Films: The Best of 2020 Edition

4 Shots From 4 Films is just what it says it is, 4 shots from 4 of our favorite films. As opposed to the reviews and recaps that we usually post, 4 Shots From 4 Films lets the visuals do the talking.

I should admit that, despite the title of this post, I’m not really ready to list my picks for the best of 2020.  I’ve still got a lot of movies that I need to watch before I can do that and I plan to do just that over the next two weeks or so.  (I’ll start posting my annual “best of” lists on January 16th.)  If 2020 is like every other year, it’s possible that my current top films might not even be in my personal top ten by the time we reach the middle of this month  It happens.

That said, the four shots below are from four of the best 2020 films that I’ve seen so far.  These are films that, as of right now, are definitely in my top ten.  Again, I’ve still got a lot of movies to watch but I suspect that these four films will all remain on my list of favorites.

One thing I’ve noticed, from looking over the shots that I selected, is that all four of the films deal with characters who feel isolated and trapped.  That’s certainly not a representation of how I usually feel but I do think it’s a good description of how everyone has felt, at least once, during the pandemic.  Though none of the films featured below have anything to do with the Coroniavirus, they are films that still capture the way many people are feeling right now.

Here are….

4 Shots From 4 Films

The Assistant (2020, dir by Kitty Green)

Bad Education (2020, dir by Cory Finley)

The Girl With A Bracelet (2020, dir by Stéphane Demoustier)

i’m thinking of ending things (2020, dir by Charlie Kaufman)

These films are all worth watching and, if you haven’t seen them yet, you really should correct that.  i’m thinking of ending things is on Netflix.   The Assistant is on Hulu.  When last I checked, The Girl With A Bracelet was available on Prime.  Bad Education is on HBO Max.  Give them all a watch if you haven’t aready.

One response to “4 Shots From 4 Films: The Best of 2020 Edition

  1. Pingback: Lisa’s Week In Review: 12/28/20 –1/3/21 | Through the Shattered Lens

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