Scene That I Love: Linus’s Speech in A Charlie Brown Christmas

Merry Christmas!

I know that a lot of people missed A Charlie Brown Christmas this year.  When all of the Peanuts holiday specials were bought by Apple TV+, it looked they would never air on free television again.  Luckily, people got mad enough that Apple made a deal with PBS to resume airing the specials.  But how many of you knew that before you just read it?  Hopefully, everyone involved will do a better job of getting the word out next year.

For those of you who missed it this year, here’s the most famous scene from A Charlie Brown Christmas.  When A Charlie Brown Christmas was first aired in 1965, Charles Schulz had to fight to keep CBS from removing the scene in which Linus explains the true meaning of Christmas.  It has gone on to become one of the most popular moments in the special.

For those who missed it, here it is:

3 responses to “Scene That I Love: Linus’s Speech in A Charlie Brown Christmas

  1. Pingback: Lisa’s Week In Review: 12/21/20 — 12/27/20 | Through the Shattered Lens

  2. Pingback: 12 Movies of Christmas: A Charlie Brown Christmas (1965) - Jason C. Stanley

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