Here’s The Trailer for Soul!

Here’s the latest trailer for Soul!

Yes, yes …. I know.  I’m two days late in sharing this.  Listen, these things happen and I think you should find it within your soul to forgive me.  After all, how can you be angry when I’m sharing a trailer for a PIXAR film?

Personally, I have loved just about every PIXAR film that I’ve ever seen.  That said, I also think that it’s possible that PIXAR is secretly run by aliens who want to see how frequently someone can be traumatized before they totally give up on happiness.  From all of the toys being given away in Toy Story 3 to the first ten minutes of Up, PIXAR is all about getting people to cry.  I’ve cried during every PIXAR film that I’ve ever watched, with exception of those movies about the talking cars.

This latest PIXAR film is called Soul and it’s about just that.  It’s about …. well, the plot sounds really strange to me so I’m not even sure if I want to try to type it out.  I will say that it involves death and not giving up on your dreams and celebrating life and it’ll probably make me cry a lot.

Soul was originally going to be released into theaters but we all know what they say about the best laid plans of Disney and PIXAR.  So, instead, it’ll be released on Disney+ on Christmas Day.  Hopefully, Disney+ will let its subscribers watch it, as opposed to charging them an extra thirty dollars for the opportunity.  (That’s right …. I’m looking at you, Mulan!)

Here’s the latest trailer for Soul:

One response to “Here’s The Trailer for Soul!

  1. Pingback: Lisa Marie’s Week In Review: 10/12/20 — 10/18/20 | Through the Shattered Lens

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