Witchcraft III: The Kiss of Death (1991, directed by Rachel L. Feldman)

After being a baby during the first Witchcraft and a horny high school student during the second Witchcraft, William Spanner becomes a public defender in the third Witchcraft movie.

William (Charles Solomon) is still trying to hide from his heritage as a warlock.  He refuses to discuss his family with his girlfriend, Charlotte (Lisa Toothman) and instead tries to concentrate on helping underprivileged people who have run afoul of the legal system.  His latest client, a teenager named Rubin Carter (Ahmad Reese), claims that he didn’t commit the murder that he’s been accused of.  William is determined to make sure that Rubin gets a fair trial, despite the machinations of the ruthless DA, Vivian Hill (Nicole Lauren).  William has found a way to be useful to society without having to use his magical powers.

However, events are conspiring to force William to embrace his warlock heritage.  Louis (Dominic Luciana) is hitting the bar scene and picking up women so he can give them the “kiss of death” and transfer their lifeforce to his girlfriend, Roxy (Lena Hall).  After Louis arranges to befriend William, he focuses his attentions on Charlotte.  In order to save his girlfriend, William is going to have use the same powers that he’s spent years trying to deny.

Particularly when compared to some of the films that would come after it, Witchcraft III isn’t bad.  William’s motivations for hiding from his past actually make sense and Louis is an enjoyably cheesy villain.  The film features William getting advice from a witch doctor, which introduces the idea that there’s all sorts of different magic in the world.  It’s an intriguing idea, or at least it is when compared with what usually passes for a deep thought in a Witchcraft movie.  That’s the whole key to enjoying Witchcraft III.  Don’t compare it to a real movie.  Compare it to the other Witchcraft films.

I like the idea of a warlock lawyer.  It seems like it could have been a good TV show.  Instead, it would just be a part of horror’s longest-running franchise.  Witchcraft III was enough of a direct-to-video success that Witchcraft IV soon followed.

One response to “Witchcraft III: The Kiss of Death (1991, directed by Rachel L. Feldman)

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