Artist Profile: Hubert Rogers (1898 — 1982)

Born into a prominent family in Ablerton, Price Edward Island, Canada, Hubert Rogers went on to become one of the most influential artists of the pulp era.  While he worked in all genres, Rogers was best known for his illustrations and cover work for Astounding Science Fiction.  Rogers’s portraits of aliens, astronauts, and especially his spaceships all influenced how a generation grow up thinking about space exploration, extraterrestrial life, and the future.

Rogers, whose grandfather was governor of Prince Edward Island, served in the Canadian army during World War I and trained at the Massachusetts Normal Art School.  After retiring from working as an illustrator, he devoted himself to landscapes and commissioned portraits of historic Canadian and American politicians, justices, celebrities, businessmen, and Commissioners of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Here’s a small sampling of his work:

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