Scenes I Love: Goldie’s Panetarium From The Mack (Happy Birthday, Max Julien!)

Today, Max Julien is 75 yeas old.

This classically trained actor and veteran of Shakespeare in the Park achieved cult immortality when he starred in The Mack (1973), the definitive pimp film.  In the role of Goldie, Julien set the standard by which all other cinematic pimps would be judged.  Julien, who also starred in Thomasine and Bushrod and wrote the script for Cleopatra Jones, may have never become a mainstream film star but his performance in The Mack ensures that he will never be forgotten.

In the scene below, Goldie takes his “ladies” to a planetarium and goes full MK-Ultra on them.  This is the most ridiculous scene in the movie but Max Julien pulls it off like a champ.

One response to “Scenes I Love: Goldie’s Panetarium From The Mack (Happy Birthday, Max Julien!)

  1. Pingback: Lisa’s Week In Review: 1/1/20 — 1/5/20 | Through the Shattered Lens

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