My Review Of “The Review”

Ryan C.'s Four Color Apocalypse

The exquisitely minimalist comics of Angela Chen are always a feast for the mind and eyes, and with two new ones hot off the press and/or Xerox machine (the other, Can’t Breathe Without Air, is pictured near the bottom of this review), now’s a great time to get on board the “Chen Bandwagon” (sorry, Angela, if you’re reading this) if you haven’t yet. We’ll be looking at both new releases in due course, but I flipped a coin and The Review won out as the one to go under my metaphorical microscope first, so let’s have at it:

A study in introversion expressed by extroverted means (hey, all art is), one’s first reaction to this eight-page mini may be that it’s a study in — or, if you prefer, a mass of — contradictions, but I’m not so sure that’s the case : yeah, it’s about negativity and its…

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Music Video Of The Day: Summer 09 by Vancouver Sleep Clinic (2019, dir by Max Galassi)

Today’s music video of the day is this haunting and rather sad video for Summer ’09, the second single to be released from Vancouver Sleep Clinic’s upcoming second album, Onwards to Zion.

The song itself was inspired by the passing of a friend of Tom Bettison’s.  (Bettison is the artist behind Vancouver Sleep Clinic.)  Bettison’s friend passed away (“out of the blue,” as Bettison puts it) in 2017 and this song was Bettison’s way of dealing with the pain of his loss.  It’s not surprising, then, that both the song and the video are both nostalgic and sad, a song of regret that also celebrates the time that these two friends were able to share with one another.

Onwards to Zion is set to be released on October 18th.
