Lisa’s Week In Review: 4/9/18 — 4/15/18

Remember how last week I said I was going to get caught up with everything?  Well, it didn’t happen.  I got busy last week so I guess I’ll have to get caught up during this upcoming week.  Along with everything else, I’m also planning on watching and reviewing a lot of Italian thrillers and horror films so keep your fingers crossed and wish me luck!

Anyway, I hope everyone had a good holiday weekend and here’s what I got accomplished last week!

(Oh, Friday the 13th is totally a holiday!  Why do you think they made so many movies about it?)

Movies I Watched

  1. 25th Hour (2003)
  2. The Brood (1979)
  3. A Dangerous Date (2018)
  4. Degrassi Takes Manhattan (2010)
  5. Empire Records (1995)
  6. Fahrenheit 451 (1966)
  7. Friday the 13th (1980)
  8. Friday the 13th (2009)
  9. Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981)
  10. Friday the 13th Part III (1982)
  11. Friday the 13th: A New Beginning (1985)
  12. Friday The 13th — The Final Chapter (1984)
  13. Friday The 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (1986)
  14. Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (1988)
  15. Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989)
  16. The Girl Who Knew Too Much (1964)
  17. A Hatchet for the Honeymoon (1970)
  18. Jason Goes To Hell: The Final Friday (1993)
  19. Jason X (2001)
  20. Freddy vs. Jason (2003)
  21. The Long Hair of Death (1964)
  22. The Midwife’s Deception (2018)
  23. Naked You Die (1968)
  24. Performance (1970)
  25. Saturday the 14th (1981)
  26. Stop Making Sense (1984) — Jeff and I saw great concert film at the Alamo Drafthouse on Monday night.  I’ve been listening to the Talking Heads nonstop ever since!
  27. Vice Squad (1982)

TV Shows I Watched

  1. America’s Next Top Model
  2. The Americans
  3. Ash vs Evil Dead
  4. Atlanta
  5. Barry
  6. Brooklyn 99
  7. Cats 101
  8. The Crossing
  9. Degrassi
  10. Evil Sister
  11. Ghost Whisperer
  12. Homeland
  13. Howard’s End
  14. iZombie
  15. It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia
  16. King of the Hill
  17. Legion
  18. Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD
  19. Mary Kills People — I only watched this piece of bullshit propaganda because I was waiting for a much better show, UnREAL, to start.
  20. New Girl
  21. Roseanne
  22. Seinfeld
  23. Silicon Valley
  24. Survivor 36
  25. The Terror
  26. Trading Spaces
  27. Trust
  28. UnREAL
  29. The Walking Dead

Books I Read

  1. Crystal Lake Memories: The Complete History of Friday the 13th by Peter M. Bracke (2006)
  2. Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell (1949)

Music To Which I Listened

  1. Afrojack
  2. Alice Cooper
  3. Avicii
  4. Ben Khan
  5. Big Data
  6. Bodyrox
  7. Britney Spears
  8. The Chemical Brothers
  9. The Crystal Method
  10. Dada Life
  11. Dillon Francis
  12. DJ Snake
  13. Icona Pop
  14. Jakalope
  15. Jane Zhang
  16. Lenny Kravitz
  17. Michael Fredo
  18. Mick Jagger
  19. Moby
  20. The Rolling Stones
  21. Skrillex
  22. Swedish House Mafia
  23. Sweet
  24. Talking Heads
  25. Taylor Swift
  26. Tom Tom Club

Links From Last Week

  1. The 71st Annual Cannes Film Festival line-up was announced!
  2. Orson Welles’ daughter pleads with Netflix to reconsider its Cannes ban and let her father’s final movie premiere there!
  3. From IndieWire: Netflix and Ted Sarandos Are Right to Defend Their Auteurs at Cannes, but There’s a Cost
  4. From Cybersport: The rise and fall of anti-bullying group, The Bully Hunters
  5. From Platinum Paragon: A Breakdown of BullyHunter’s False Data Claims
  6. John Reiber pays tribute to R. Lee Ermey!
  7. From The World’s Common Tater: My Week in Books, TV, and movies!
  8. On her photography site, my sister shared this really nice picture of the moon!
  9. I had two weird dreams this week!  One was about moving and one was about wasps!
  10. For National Poetry Month, I shared poems from T.S. Eliot, Tess Gallagher, Lord Byron, Lyn Lifshin, Emily Dickinson, Adrienne Rich, and Jane Kenyon!

Links From The Site

  1. Erin took a look at the Pulp Art of the Apocalypse!
  2. Leonard reviewed Pacific Rim Uprising!
  3. Gary reviewed Madam Satan, Thunderbolt and Lightfoot, and Death Rides A Horse!  He also took a look at the song Little Girl!
  4. Doc wished everyone a happy Friday the 13th!
  5. Ryan reviewed Qoberious Vol.1 and shared his weekly reading round-up!
  6. Case reviewed Rampage!
  7. I shared 12 Things You May or May Not Have Known About Friday the 13th, made my Oscar predictions for April, and paid tribute to the great Milos Forman!

(Want to see what I did or did not get accomplished last week?  Click here!)

Have a great week!

RAMPAGE – Review by Case Wright, ALT Title – The Video Game Movie Curse Is Broken by Dwayne’s Awesome Arms!


I thoroughly enjoyed this film!! Why? Because it’s a Dwayne Johnson movie.  He’s an actor, a brand, and you know what you’re going to get.  EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.  Did it have a couple of slow moments?  Yep.  Were the characters, especially the villains, one dimensional or 8-Bit?  Sure.  But, so what? Rampage is fun and sometimes it’s great to take a bath in nostalgia and see some shit blow up.

A Dwayne Johnson movie is really a sub-genre all its very own.  I won’t compare it to other movies.  His movies are also fun because we just like Dwayne Johnson so much as a Man that we feel like he’s a friend.  It becomes reflexive that we hear Dwayne Johnson has a movie out, it’s as if one of our friends just made one.  I told a guy at work that I was going to see a Dwayne Johnson movie, he knew exactly what I meant, and he referred to Dwayne Johnson as a National Treasure.  Yes, we’re now getting married in the fall and are registered at Pottery Barn.

I played Rampage when I was a wee bairn.  In fact, with the help of my friend Robbie, we stayed up all night and destroyed the whole country. Congratulations! I, like every boy in the Y-Generation, was excited for this film.  Sidenote: sorry everyone, Millenials are no more, you’ve been folded into Y, but take heart – “Even children get older, I’m gettin older …too.”

An Evil Corporation, run ostensibly by Ivanka Trump and her Generic Trump brother, create a virus that mutate ordinary animals into genetically spliced super-creatures that run amok.  That’s it- that’s the plot- and like the video game upon which it was based, Rampage the Film is beautifully Wabi Sabi.

The film begins with The Rock who is closed off from people because after seeing their terrible acts in war and poaching, he just can’t let them in. *sniff*  The Rock’s best friend is George- an albino gorilla- who can sign.  Soon, the Trump family look alikes’ experiment accidentally infects George, a wolf, a crocodile, and a partridge in a pear tree. The Partridge Monster doesn’t actually destroy anything, but he blatantly re-gifts Christmas presents; therefore, he’s the worst monster of all because he destroys your self-esteem.

George, the wolf, and crocodile get BIGGER, the government – embodied by Jeffrey Dean Morgan- try to stop the monsters, but can’t.  Jeffrey becomes an ally of The Rock, helping him along the way with helicopter keys, air strikes, and lending him his edger so The Rock can really make his lawn POP for barbecue season.  The Trumps put out a signal to draw the monsters to Chicago, hoping they’ll kill each other off.  The Trumps hope that they’ll be able to take a sample of the monster flesh, replicate it, and sell it to whomever.  It doesn’t go well.  The monsters go nuts.  I’m not going to spoil anything.  Needless to say, the last 40 minutes of the film are amazingly satisfying.

Congratulations! Dwayne you’ve done it! The Video Game Curse is Broken.


Weekly Reading Round-Up : 04/08/2018 – 04/14/2018

Ryan C.'s Four Color Apocalypse

Three first issues and a seven hundredth? Yeah, this oughtta be an interesting column —

Crude #1 kicks off a new Skybound/Image six-parter from the creative team of Steve Orlando and Garry Brown revolving around a mix of family drama and Russian oil business shady dealings, with some sort of vague-at-this-point mystery thrown into the mix to — sorry — muddy the waters. Orlando has always been an up-and-down writer in my estimation, but he seems to be more “up” here, serving us a script that’s heavy on the characterization and stage-setting. This may just turn out to be yet another revenge yarn, but those are fun if they kick enough ass, and all indications are that this one’ll do just that — and Brown’s murky, expressionistic art is more than well-suited to the proceedings. At $3.99 a pop for singles this might be one to “trade-wait,” but since I’m…

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Music Video of the Day: One Last Night On Earth by Dada Life (2015, dir by ????)

The world’s ending.  How are you going to deal with it?

Are you going to cry?  Are you going to rage at the random whims of fate?  Are you going to scream about being powerless?  Or are you going to get together with your friends?  Are you going to have a good time?  Are you going to listen to a great song?  Are you going to dance around the fire?

Myself, I’d probably get on twitter and try to score a few last retweets before the world ended.  I’d probably also take the time to report everyone that I don’t like to Twitter Support.  If I could get a few account suspended before the moon crashes into the Pacific Ocean, it would all have been worth it.

Actually, I’d probably just try to watch my favorite movies one last time.  I’ve actually given a lot of thought to what movie I would watch if I knew it was going to be the last one that I would ever get to see.  I know most people probably expect me to say that I would rewatch Suspiria but, to be honest, I’d probably rewatch something from the Marx Brothers.  Maybe Duck Soup.

Anyway, the people in this video go for the dancing around the fire approach to the end of the world and bless them for it!

(Have you noticed how obsessed people seem to be with the end of the world nowadays?  There have been so many recent films about people dealing with the end of life on Earth.  I guess people are just naturally pessimistic nowadays.  I’ve always been pretty confident that the world won’t end as long as I’ve got things to do.  Check out Melancholia if you want to see a good movie about the apocalypse.  I would suggest avoiding Seeking A Friend For The End Of The World and Abel Ferrara’s tedious 4:44 Last Day On Earth.  If you want to laugh while watching the world end, check out the delightful End of the World.  Be sure to order the DVD of that one because I’m quoted on the back of the case!)
