Let’s Get Back On Track With The Trailer For Anomalisa!

You know what?  Over the past day and a half, I have spent way too much time dealing with the trolls who were apparently offended by my brilliant review of The Leisure Class.

The fact of the matter is that there are other things about which to be excited!  For instance, check out this trailer for Charlie Kaufman’s stop motion film, Anomalisa!  This film is coming out on December 30th and a lot of people are really excited about it.

Watch the trailer.

Are you excited?

(As for me, I’m just excited to see that my name is a part of the title…)

2 responses to “Let’s Get Back On Track With The Trailer For Anomalisa!

  1. Pingback: Here Are The 2015 Independent Spirit Nominations! | Through the Shattered Lens

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