6 Trailers For Halloween!

Hello there!  Welcome to a special Halloween edition of Lisa Marie’s Favorite Grindhouse and Exploitation Film trailers!  The trailer kitties went out this morning (despite the fact that it’s been raining nonstop down here since yesterday) and they came back with these 6 horrific trailers for Halloween!

Let’s see what they’ve brought us!

(By the way, some of these trailers may be NSFW and some may contain excessive gore or even nudity so use your best judgment when it comes to watching.  The TSL accepts no responsibility for the occasionally over-the-top choices of the trailer kitties.)

Zombi 2 (1979)

Axe (1974)

Welcome to Arrow Beach (1974)

Dracula (1979)

Andy Warhol’s Dracula (1974)

Halloween (1978)

What do you think, Trailer Kitty?

"Happy Halloween!"

“Happy Halloween!”


4 Shots From 4 Jean Rollin Films: Requiem For A Vampire, The Living Dead Girl, The Two Orphan Vampires, The Fiancee of Dracula

4 Shots From 4 Films is just what it says it is, 4 shots from 4 of our favorite films. As opposed to the reviews and recaps that we usually post, 4 Shots From 4 Films is all about letting the visuals do the talking.

4 Shots From 4 Films

Requiem For A Vampire (1971, directed by Jean Rollin)

Requiem For A Vampire (1971, directed by Jean Rollin)

The Living Dead Girl (1982, directed by Jean Rollin)

The Living Dead Girl (1982, directed by Jean Rollin)

Two Orphan Vampires (1997, directed by Jean Rollin)

Two Orphan Vampires (1997, directed by Jean Rollin)

The Fiancee of Dracula (2002, directed by Jean Rollin)

The Fiancee of Dracula (2002, directed by Jean Rollin)

Halloween TV Havoc!: Boris Karloff in “A Night at an Inn” (1949): Complete SUSPENSE episode!

cracked rear viewer

Another rarity from the dark vault of live TV horror! This time it’s Boris Karloff starring in a spooky tale called “A Night at an Inn”! Brought to you  by Auto-Lite spark plugs (“From bumper to headlight, you’re always right with Auto-Lite”), here’s King Karloff in a 1949 thriller from SUSPENSE:

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Horror on the Lens: Night of the Living Dead (dir by George Romero)


Happy October!  It’s been a great horror month here at the Shattered Lens!  Not only have we shared a record number of reviews but we’ve also received a record number of site views!  Thank you everyone for reading and commenting and, to our new readers, we hope you’ll stick around even after Halloween!

Now, here at the Shattered Lens we have a tradition.  Every Halloween, we share one of the greatest and most iconic horror movies ever made.  That film, of course, is George Romero’s Night of the Living Dead!  Enjoy and have a great Halloween!

(And after you’ve watched the film, be sure to check out Arleigh’s review!)