AMV of the Day: Spiral Ascension (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann)


I still have a couple more winning AMV’s from this past Anime Boston 2014, but for now I think the latest entry to the “AMV of the Day” comes courtesy of Sakura-Con 2014. It’s another AMV using the time tested 30 Second To Mars song, “This Is War”.

For some reason this song remains a steadfast favorite amongst people who make anime music videos and it’s not hard to see why. It’s got a nice tempo and beat that goes well with many shounen anime. This time around it’s used for the video that won “Best Action” in this year’s Sakura-Con AMV contest. The creator of the video is one TheMFJuggernaut. With the popularity of the anime series Kill la Kill it’s always great to see people continue to take interest in Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann which was animated by Gainax animators who would later form the animation studio Trigger. The animation studio which gives Kill la Kill it’s look that reminded many people of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.

One fun thing about this video is how it shows how over-the-top the series got when it came to it’s mecha design. They didn’t know the meaning off “too big”.

Anime: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

Song: “This Is War” by 30 Second To Mars

Creator: TheMFJuggernaut

Past AMVs of the Day

6 Trailers That Kick Ass

I know what you’ve been wondering.  Where’s the latest edition of Lisa Marie’s Favorite Grindhouse and Exploitation Film Trailers!?  Well, your wait is over because here it is!  And this edition is all about women kicking ass.

1) Sister Streetfighter (1974)

2) Lady Snowblood (1973)

3) Lady Snowblood 2 (1974)

4) The Doll Squad (1973)

5) Police Woman (1974)

6) Coffy (1973)

What do you think, Trailer Kitty?

He's thinking about it.

He’s thinking about it.