Artist Profile: Robert Bonfils (1922– )

The artist Robert Bonfils was born in Kansas City and attended the Kansas City Art Institute where one of his teachers was the painter Thomas Hart Benton.  He then served a stint in the Army before continuing his studies at the Art Institute of Chicago.  Bonfils was eventually hired by the prestigious advertising firm Stevens, Hall, Biondi.  Here he did illustrations for children’s books, covers for Mercury record albums, and advertisements for Miller High Life Beer.  In the 1960s, Bonfils started to paint the paperback book covers that he’s best remembered for.  At the height of his career, he was painting 50 covers a month.

A sampling of his work can be found below:

6 responses to “Artist Profile: Robert Bonfils (1922– )

  1. These are some amazing covers. They remind me of some of the old EC horror comics my brother used to have as a kid.


  2. omg, I want the job writing those taglines after the titles – they are priceless! keep the interesting pieces coming, guys.
    Love it:)


  3. Pingback: The Phantom Detective Covers of Robert Bonfils | Through the Shattered Lens

  4. Pingback: Artwork of the Day: The Shame Takers (by Robert Bonfils) | Through the Shattered Lens

  5. Pingback: Artwork of the Day: Nylon Passport (by Robert Bonfils) | Through the Shattered Lens

  6. Pingback: Artwork of the Day: Diploma of Passion (by Robert Bonfils) | Through the Shattered Lens

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