Late Night Retro Television Review: Degrassi Junior High 3.5 “Loves Me, Loves Me Not”

Welcome to Late Night Retro Television Reviews, a feature where we review some of our favorite and least favorite shows of the past!  On Sunday, I will be reviewing the Canadian series, Degrassi Junior High, which aired on CBC and PBS from 1987 to 1989!  The series can be streamed on YouTube!

This week’s episode broke my heart.

Episode 3.5 “Loves Me, Loves Me Not”

(Dir by John Bertram, originally aired on November 28th, 1988)

Oh my God, this episode!  This episode had me cringing with second-hand pain.  As you can probably guess from the title, this week’s episode is all about crushes and we all know how painful a middle school crush can be.  Still, even with all that knowledge, nothing prepared me for the pain of this episode….

Of the three main storylines, the simplest features Yick noticing that Arthur’s cousin, Dorothy, keeps staring at him.  Arthur looks away from the business page long enough to tell Yick that Dorothy has a crush on him and goes on to explain that Dorothy is strange.  Yick looks concerned.

Meanwhile, Michelle has developed a crush on BLT (Dayo Ade).  Michelle goes to Alexa for advice because Alexa has been dating Simon for nearly a year and that makes Alexa and Simon the most stable couple at Degrassi.  Alexa suggests that Michelle come hang out with her, Simon, and BLT.  Michelle agrees but it turns out that BLT would rather talk to Alexa.  Alexa tells Michelle that Michelle doesn’t really have much in common with BLT.  In fact, Alexa seems to really like BLT, despite the fact that she’s dating Simon.  Simon, as usual, seems to be a bit confused by the whole thing.

Finally, Caitlin has a crush on Joey.  Both Caitlin and Joey are students in Mr. Raditch’s class.  Caitlin, who now has the blonde streak in her hair that would be her trademark for the rest of the original Degrassi series, is the best student in the class.  Joey, who is repeating the 8th Grade, is still struggling.  Caitlin has such a crush on Joey that she even buys the Zit Remedy demo tape and starts listening to Everybody Wants Something over and over again.

When Mr. Raditch assigns the class to watch and review a movie, Caitlin asks Joey to be her partner.  Joey is totally excited because Caitlin is smart and Joey feels that he’s dumb.  Caitlin and Joey go to see Teen Academy 4.  (Apparently, Teen Academy is a forerunner to the Clown Academy films that everyone was always going to see in Degrassi: The Next Generation).  Joey thinks the film was funny.  Caitlin thinks the film was sexist.  For their presentation, they both give their own opinion and playfully debate the merits of the film.  Awww, what a cute couple!  And hey, the school dance is coming up!

For the dance, Caitlin — who says she’s never had a boyfriend or been on a date before, which I’m sure would be news to Rick Munro — gets a pretty black dress and gets all made yo.  She arrives shortly before Joey.  When Joey walks into the gym, he walks over to Caitlin, smiles, and says, “Hey, Caitlin, have you seen Liz?”



JOEY!!! — Liz doesn’t even like you!

When we next see Caitlin, she’s crying, wiping her makeup, and throwing away her demo tape.  Poor Caitlin!  I mean, if you’ve watched Degrassi — The Next Generation, you know that Joey and Caitlin are eventually going to get back together (they’re actually going to get back together several times), but it’s still painful to watch her face when she realizes that Joey is still interested in Liz.  My heart broke for her.  I mean, Caitlin’s hair is a hundred times prettier than Liz’s!  There’s no way Liz could pull off a blonde streak.

The next day, an oblivious Joey is surprised to discover that Caitlin is upset with him and no longer wants to help him out with his classes.  “I thought you liked me,” Joey says, right before the end credits roll.  (To be clear, clueless Joey means “like” as in friendship.)  Poor Caitlin.  I can see where this is probably going to lead, with Caitlin doing Joey’s homework while Joey asks for advice about Liz.

This was a powerful episode, one that I think anyone could relate to.  Pat Mastroianni and Stacie Mistysyn both gave strong and likable performances and the show deserves a lot credit for realistically portraying their relationship.  I think everyone has been Caitlin at some point in their life.  Don’t worry, Caitlin — it’s going to get better!

One response to “Late Night Retro Television Review: Degrassi Junior High 3.5 “Loves Me, Loves Me Not”

  1. Pingback: Lisa Marie’s Week In Television: 5/19/24 — 5/25/24 | Through the Shattered Lens

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