Dance Scenes That I Love: The Locomotion from Inland Empire

Hello and welcome to martes trece!  

Now, I know that a lot of people will tell you that Friday the 13th is the most unlucky day of the year but actually, in Spain, it is well know that Tuesday the 13th is the day that you have to watch out for.  My grandmother would literally not leave the house on Tuesday the 13th.  Myself, I may leave the house today but I’ll drive very slowly and I’ll watch my step.

Now, personally, I think the best way to deal with an unlucky day is through dance!  So, allow me to bless you with a dance scene that I love.

This is from David Lynch’s 2006 film, Inland Empire.  Inland Empire, which clocks in at 3 hours, is perhaps Lynch’s most unsettling film.  However, it does feature a little dancing, as seen below:

Good luck!