6 Shots from 6 Films: Special Christopher Nolan Edition

4 Or More Shots From 4 Or More Films is just what it says it is, 4 shots from 4 of our favorite films. As opposed to the reviews and recaps that we usually post, 4 Shots From 4 Films lets the visuals do the talking!

Today, we celebrate the birthday of the great Christopher Nolan!

It’s time for….

6 Shots From 6 Christopher Nolan Films

Memento (2000, dir by Christopher Nolan, DP: Wall Pfister)

Insomnia (2002, dir by Christopher Nolan, DP: Wally Pfister)

The Prestige (2006, dir by Christopher Nolan, DP: Wally Pfister)

The Dark Knight (2008, dir by Christopher Nolan, DP: Wally Pfister)

Inception (2010, dir by Christopher Nolan, DP: Wally Pfister)

Dunkirk (2017, dir by Christopher Nolan, DP: Hoyte van Hoytema)

Scenes I Love: The Prestige

The Prestige - David Bowie

David Bowie has passed away and the world is much less brighter with his passing.

While I’ve been a fan of most of David Bowie’s music, I consider myself more of a fan of his rare appearances playing other characters in other people’s films. Whether it was as the alien Thomas Jerome Newton in The Man Who Fell to Earth, to John in The Hunger and right up to his role as Jareth, King of the Goblins in the fantasy film Labyrinth, Bowie has always made himself such a presence whenever he was on the screen.

One of my favorite roles he played recently was in the 2006 film The Prestige by Christopher Nolan. In it he played the role of the eccentric genius Nikola Tesla who gains as a patron Hugh Jackman’s magician, Robert Angier. Not as showy a role as some of the others mentioned above, but Bowie easily conveys not just tired and beaten down Tesla who by this point has been hounded by Edison for years, but also understanding that his own genius has led him to obsessing over what his intellect has come up with.

Even as he battled cancer these past 18 months before losing his fight, David Bowie continued to do what he loved. Releasing a new album this month and now he lives on in his music and up on the silver screen.

“Commencing countdown, engines on…Check ignition and may God’s love be with you.”