And now…6 More Trailers

Hi, everyone!  Sorry for the delay in getting out this latest edition of Lisa Marie’s Favorite Grindhouse and Exploitation Film Trailers.  What can I say?  The holidays are a crazy, crazy time.  If you promise to keep reading and watching then I promise to not be late again in the future.  Deal?  Deal.

And now, without further delay, here’s 6 more trailers!

1) Silent Night, Deadly Night 3: Better Watch Out (1989)

This film was directed by Monte Hellman, who directed some of the best films of the 60s and 70s.  So, in case you were wondering what you get for directing a work of art like Two-Lane Blacktop, well, here you go.

2) Black Christmas (1974)

Continuing the holiday theme, here is the trailer for the original Black Christmas.  This film was directed by the late Bob Clark, who later went on to direct a totally different Christmas movie called A Christmas Story.

3) Madhouse (1974)

I love this trailer for the melodramatic opening.  I love the way the old grindhouse and exploitation movies would literally dare filmgoers to stay away.  That takes confidence!

4) The Freakmaker (1974)

With a title like The Freakmaker, it has to be good.

5) The Creatures The World Forgot (1971)

The World, I am sure, had its reasons for forgetting.

6) Prehistoric Women (1967)

This film is also known as Slave Girls and I’m sure there’s probably prints out there entitled Slave Women and Prehistoric Girls as well.