6 Trailers To End The Year With

Well, here we are at the end of 2011 and you know what that means.  It’s time for one last 2011 entry of Lisa Marie’s Favorite Grindhouse and Exploitation Trailers!

1) New Year’s Evil (1981)

I’ve never seen this film but I’ve read about it and the plot actually sounds like it has potential: a killer is determined to kill a different person in each time zone across America over the course of one long, New Year’s Eve night.  I get the feeling the execution was probably lacking but seriously,  time zones are weird.

2) Student Bodies (1981)

This little satire of the slasher genre shows up on cable occasionally.  I’ve never managed to make it all the way through but I do appreciate the gag with the killer continually stepping on chewing gum.

3) Screwballs (1983)

With a name like Screwballs it has to be …. uhmm, good?

4) Spring Break (1983)

Obviously, there was a serious lack of attractive people in the 1980s.

5) Ski School (1991)

Oh wait.  The kinda attractive people were at the ski school.  Emphasis on kinda.

6) My Tutor (1982)

However, as always, the truly cool people, were learning how to speak French.

With love, Happy New Year!