Cleaning Out The DVR: Psycho Wedding Crasher (dir by David Langlois)

(Hi there!  So, as you may know because I’ve been talking about it on this site all year, I have got way too much stuff on my DVR.  Seriously, I currently have 183 things recorded!  I’ve decided that, on January 15th, I am going to erase everything on the DVR, regardless of whether I’ve watched it or not.  So, that means that I’ve now have only have a month to clean out the DVR!  Will I make it?  Keep checking this site to find out!  I recorded Psycho Wedding Crasher off of Lifetime on September 3rd, 2017!)

There were three “psycho” movies on Lifetime this year.  I’ve already watched and reviewed Psycho In-Law and Psycho Brother-in-Lawtwo films that I liked quite a bit.  But as insane as the psychos were in those films, neither of them can hold a candle to Jenna (Heather Morris), the title character in Psycho Wedding Crasher.

“Oh my God!  She did not just do that!”  That’s something that I shouted so many times, while watching Psycho Wedding Crasher, that I eventually lost track of the number of times Jenna’s behavior shocked me.

The first time I shouted it was when Jenna, while attending a party, searched her host’s bedroom and not only stole a pair of panties but actually put them on before leaving.  I shouted it again when Jenna started physically beating herself up in her car so that she could accuse Scott (Robert Salvador) of assaulting her.  This was followed by Jenna making use of a stranger’s bed, hiding in a closet so she could watch Glenn (Jason Cermak) take a shower, strangling someone with measuring tape, having an imaginary wedding, and of course engaging in a lot of knife action.  By the time the movie was over, I was nearly hoarse from yelling at the TV.

The title is correct.  Jenna is both psycho and a wedding crasher.  That said, she has her reasons.  For one thing, her parents are dead and she’s been raised by an abusive aunt (Joan Van Ark) who constantly tells Jenna that she’s neither smart nor pretty enough to ever find a man.  Jenna spends day after day sewing wedding dresses but when will she find love?  She spends all of her time haunting wedding receptions, hoping to meet the man of her dreams.  One gets the feeling that she’s had many dreams.

Jenna knows that Glenn is the man for her but there’s only one problem.  Glenn is married to Marci (Fiona Vroom).  Whatever can Jenna do to take care of this situation?  How about becoming Marci’s friend and then conspiring to try to break up her marriage?  Sure, why not?

Jenna is totally crazy but it’s impossible not to feel sorry for her.  Her aunt is just so cruel to her and no one else in the film seems to realize just how lucky they are to be happy and in love.  It helps that Heather Morris gives such a lively performance in the lead role.  While everyone else in the film tends to be a bit bland, Morris turns Jenna into a force of nature.  Eventually, of course, you do lose sympathy for her.  She just kills or tries to kill too many people.  That said, she is always entertaining to watch, even though I certainly wouldn’t want her at my wedding.