Artwork of the Day: Marilyn Monroe


Tomorrow, Erin will be back and running this feature so I’m going to share one final image.

I’m not sure who took the picture above.  A lot of sites incorrectly credit Otto Bettmann.  I nearly made the mistake of crediting old Otto myself.  However, Otto was not a photographer.  Otto was an archivist and the picture above was a part of his collection.  But regardless of who took the picture, it’s an iconic image.

Two more things to say:

First off, I have to say thank you to Erin for trusting me with Artwork of the Day.  When I first told her that I’d be willing to fill in for her while she spent this week cataloging our mom’s doll collection, I’m sure that there was a part of her that worried I’d use it as an excuse to spend the whole week posting Degrassi screenshots.  I’ve seen firsthand the amount of time and thought that Erin puts into finding and selecting each day’s image.  But she took a chance on me and I had a lot of fun doing it!

Secondly, from me and everyone else here at the Shattered Lens: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ARLEIGH!