AMV of the Day: Skyfall (Cowboy Bebop, Fate/Zero)


Skyfall was the James Bond that seemed to have resonated with the so-called millenials. For the most part, James Bond the film franchise was considered dated and quaint when compared to the more action-oriented and cynical spy thrillers like the Jason Bourne franchise. This younger generation couldn’t take seriously a superspy who dressed in exquisite suits and tuxedos. A spy who bedded beautiful women like young people collected causes to support and/or protest.

This type of generational ennui, thankfully, hasn’t truly hit the otaku set. No matter how old an anime we otaku would have heard of it, watched it and, most of the time, enjoyed it. We’re not just stuck on what’s the latest trend in the anime scene. We’ll search out old with the new. While the quality of the animation have improved since the early days of the medium the storytelling from way back still remains strong and resonates with the oldest and youngest crowd.

So, the latest “AMV of the Day” is a celebration of that appreciation for not just the now but what came before: James Bond with Cowboy Bebop (with some help from Fate/Zero).

Anime: Cowboy Bebop, Fate/Zero

Song: “Skyfall” by Adele

Creator: Okill78

Past AMVs of the Day