Horror on TV: The Hitchhiker 5.26 “Pawns” (dir by Leon Marr)

Poor Eddie!

Eddie (David McIlwraith) used to be a rock star but now he’s a washed up alcoholic without a cent to his name.  Needing to pay his bills, Eddie decides to make the ultimate sacrifice.  He decides to go down to a pawnshop and sell his trademark guitar.  However, a quirky woman named Elisabeth (Jill Hennessy) has another idea.  Maybe …. he could just rob the pawn shop!

Did you know that, as a name, Lisa started out as a shortened version of Elisabeth?

This episode originally aired on December 16th, 1989.

Horror on TV: The Hitchhiker 5.16 “Hootch” (dir by Leon Marr)

Tonight’s episode of The Hitchhiker depicts what happens with a greedy woman (Stephanie Zimbalist) attempts to force her Vietnam vet brother out of the house that has been his only sanctuary from all the troubles of the world.  Needless to say, things do not go well.

This episode originally aired on September 16th, 1989.