4 Shots From 4 Films: The Touch of Her Flesh, Nightbirds, Dream No Evil, Last House On Dead End Street

4 Shots From 4 Films is just what it says it is, 4 shots from 4 of our favorite films.  As opposed to the reviews and recaps that we usually post, 4 Shots From 4 Films is all about letting the visuals do the talking.

After spending the previous week watching and reviewing 19 Lifetime films, this edition of 4 Shots From 4 Films is my return to the grindhouse.

4 Shots From 4 Films

The Touch of Her Flesh (1967, directed by Michael Findlay)

The Touch of Her Flesh (1967, directed by Michael Findlay)

Nightbirds (1969, directed by Andy Milligan)

Nightbirds (1969, directed by Andy Milligan)

Dream No Evil (1970, directed by John Hayes)

Dream No Evil (1970, directed by John Hayes)

Last House on Dead End Street (1977, directed by Roger Watkins)

Last House on Dead End Street (1977, directed by Roger Watkins)

6 Trailers To End March With

Hi!  It’s Saturday and that means that it’s time for yet another edition of Lisa Marie’s Favorite Grindhouse and Exploitation trailers.  Enjoy!

1) The Omega Man (1970)

“Charlton Heston IS the Omega Man!”  This movie is the second of three film adaptations of Richard Matheson’s classic novel I am Legend.

2) Last House On Dead End Street (1977)

This film is reportedly one of the most purely grindhouse films ever made.  It’s also next to impossible to see.  The Trash Film Guru has seen it and I’m insanely jealous.  As for this trailer, it’s short but rather effective.  It’s also perhaps the hundredth trailer to feature the “It’s only a movie” tagline.

3) Deranged (1974)

“A man so obsessed with death that he became…DERANGED!”

4) Equinox (1970)

I own the Criterion edition of this film.  It’s actually kind of fun in its own silly way.

5) Vengeance of She (1971)

This is a Hammer film.  I love how increasingly excited the narrator gets as he talks about vengeance.

6) Endgame (1983)

Finally, let’s end this entry with yet another look at a post-apocalypse future.  From the iconic Italian director Joe D’Amato, it’s Endgame.