Horror on TV: Twilight Zone 5.14 “You Drive”


In this episode of The Twilight Zone, Ollie Pope (Edward Andrews) kills a boy in a hit-and-run accident. Ollie tries to cover up the crime and frame an innocent man. His car, however, has a different idea.

This episode originally aired on January 3rd, 1964.

Horror On TV: Twilight Zone 5.30 “Stopover In A Quiet Town”

After having too much to drink at a party, Bob and Millie (played by Barry Nelson and Nancy Malone) wake up in a strange bed with no memory of how they got there.  Hey, who hasn’t had that happen once or twice, right?  However, Bob and Millie soon discover that not only is the house deserted, but so is the strange town outside.

This episode of the Twilight Zone was written by Earl Hamner, Jr. and directed by Ron Winston.  It was originally broadcast on  April 24th, 1964.

Horror On TV: Twilight Zone 5.19 “Black Leather Jackets”

Scott, Fred, and Steve may be teenage rebels but they’re rebels with a cause!  And that cause, of course, is to conquer humanity and maybe find a girlfriend.  And, of course, all three of them wear black leather jackets…

This is actually one of the sillier episodes of The Twilight Zone but I like it.  I think any girl who has ever wondered if boys are from a different planet can appreciate this episode.

Black Leather Jackets was originally broadcast on January 31st, 1964.  It was written by Earl Hamner, Jr. and directed by Joseph N. Newman.