Horror On TV: Twilight Zone 5.19 “Black Leather Jackets”

Scott, Fred, and Steve may be teenage rebels but they’re rebels with a cause!  And that cause, of course, is to conquer humanity and maybe find a girlfriend.  And, of course, all three of them wear black leather jackets…

This is actually one of the sillier episodes of The Twilight Zone but I like it.  I think any girl who has ever wondered if boys are from a different planet can appreciate this episode.

Black Leather Jackets was originally broadcast on January 31st, 1964.  It was written by Earl Hamner, Jr. and directed by Joseph N. Newman.

2 responses to “Horror On TV: Twilight Zone 5.19 “Black Leather Jackets”

  1. It might not be listed right up there with the all-time great episodes of “The Twilight Zone”, but I do like this one. Honestly, it’s about space aliens who pretend to be beatniks–what’s not to love?

    “Black Leather Jackets” is one of those episodes that’s a real time capsule, because after all, when was the last time you encountered a real beatnik? I mean, like, far out man, can ya dig it? (snap-snap-snap)


  2. “Scott” (which seems to be his actual name among the aliens) reminds me of a young vampire Bill from “True |Blood”, a bit (so to speak).

    I found Scott’s “We should save these creatures, not exterminate them” plea to that genocidal eye amusing. As he began by conceding the bad traits of the human race, he was rushing to get through the long list of faults – “It’s true they murder, and hurt one another, and they’re subject to unreasonable hate and prejudice…They learn love from a mythical being, who was created by their ancestors, as were the ostensibly divine morality rules they pathologically disobey.” (Okay, I paraphrased that last line a little.) I almost expect him to continue with something like, “And, well…sure, they abuse and exploit the other creatures on the planet, and recklessly waste the planet’s finite resources while polluting their own environment. Yeah, okay, they’ve developed space travel, and soon will have the ability to spread their selfish and destructive practices to other parts of the galaxy, and they…Aw hell…Just go ahead and waste ’em, Daddy-o!”


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